Therapy & Hang out with Hana

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No one's POV:

A few days pass since Izuku's first mission. He doing semi well. The thought of taking a life still makes him want to throw up but he knows he didn't have a choice. Even still had some nightmares about it. When Hana found out about this she got worried. She tried to help him through it but she failed. So today she's introducing him to somebody called Zenyatta.

Izuku: "You sure this will work?"

Hana: "Of course. He's the go to guy when you need help with something. He helped Genji accept his metal body when Hanzo destroyed it"

Izuku: "Why did Hanzo try to kill Genji?"

Hana: "Don't know. Ask them"

They arrived at the gardens. They see an omnic floating with balls floating around him like a ring.

Hana: "Hey Zenyatta!"

The robot monk looks up and sees Hana and Izuku

Zenyatta: "Ah Hana. It's nice to see you"

Hana: "Sane here. Hey I need a favor"

Zenyatta: "What is it?"

Hana: "Izuku here has been having problems about the mission he just did. He needs help"

Zenyatta: "I see. I'll be very happy to help"

Izuku: "Thank you Master Zenyatta"

Zenyatta: "Just call me Zenyatta. Master is one for is wise and in true brace of the iris"

Izuku: "Huh?"

Hana: "*whisper* Ignore that. Just sit down"

Izuku and Hana sit down in front of Zenyatta

Zenyatta: "So Izuku what's to be the problem?"

Izuku: "It's....It's about what I did on the mission"

Zenyatta: "Can you tell me what exactly?"

Izuku: "It's my first kill"

Zenyatta: "I see. You are feeling guilty"

Izuku: "I am. I know that they were bad men but they still had lives and families. Everybody is somebody's son, daughter, whatever and I took that away from my actions"

Izuku looked down with Hana hugging his arm

Zenyatta: "I see. Izuku tell me. What do you see around you?"

Izuku looks up and looks around

Izuku: "I just see a normal garden"

Zenyatta: "Right. It may be blane but this garden was made by the people we save as agents. If they were killed then they wouldn't have built this beautiful garden"

Izuku: "But couldn't others have built it?"

Zenyatta: "Yes. But it would've look much more different. The ones we save are the ones who built the future. Human and Omnics look different and act different but we share the goal for a safe future for both. Good cannot exist without the bad. Balance must be kept in order for the world to go on"

Izuku: "But how does that help me?"

Zenyatta: "I just told you. You need balance. Right now you are conflicted with your actions on your mission. In order for you to understand what you did you need balance. The good in you is outweighing the bad in you. Mediate with me and you'll understand why you did on that mission"

Zenyatta floated next to Izuku and sat down with his balls now floating near his hands

Zenyatta: "Close your eyes"

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