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No one's POV:

Izuku: "There you're doing good so far"

Hana: "So far? What's that supposed to mean?"

Izuku: "Hana focus"

We currently see Izuku and Hana in their kitchen. Izuku is seeing trying to teach Hana how to cook.

Izuku: "That's enough stirring. Put the lid on it and cut the vegetables"

Hana puts the lid on the hot pot and went to the vegetables that were on the side. She grabbed the knife and started to cut them.

Izuku: "Cut them down to small sizes"

Hana: "Do we have to add vegetables? The meat is fine enough"

Izuku: "True but the vegetables will add the flavor it's know for"

Computer: "In coming call from Shouta Aizawa"

Izuku: "Aizawa-sensei?"

He went over to his computer and sat down. He answered it and his former teacher's tired and soulless face appeared.

Izuku: "Aizawa-sensei. What can I do for you?"

Aizawa: "Nothing. Eri wanted to me call you"

Aizawa gives his phone to Eri's hand

Eri: "Hi Deku!"

Izuku: "Hey Eri. How are you doing?"

Eri: "Good"

Izuku: "So why did you wanted to call me?"

Eri: "I wanted to ask if you and Hana can take me trick or treating?"

Halloween is just a week a away

Izuku: "Sure. Hana and I would be happy to take you"

Eri: "*smile* Yay!"

Izuku: "I'll pick you up next week"

Eri: "Okay. Bye. Love you"

Izuku: "Love you too"

She passed the phone back to Aizawa

Aizawa: "Problem child remember to be wary. It's Halloween so she could be scared by something"

Izuku: "I know. Also do you know what she wants to go for Halloween?"

Aizawa: "I do but she wants to keep it a secret"

Izuku: "Alright then. Ill-"

Hana: "Uh Izuku?"

Izuku tunes to kitchen and sees the fire getting out of control

Izuku: "Sorry gotta go"

He ended the call quickly

Aizawa: "What the hell are they doing?"

A week has pass and now it was Halloween. During the week Eri couldn't wait for Halloween to go trick or treating with Izuku and Hana. She kept her Halloween costume a secret from everybody except from Aizawa and Emi since they got it for her. We see Aizawa in the teacher's lounge grading tests with Emi and Eri eating. They were the only ones there.

Emi: "How does it taste Eri?"

Eri: "It taste great"

Aizawa looked over slightly. He noticed the bump in Emi's stomach where his child is growing.

Aizawa: "*thought* I wonder if our kid will turn out like Eri? And when will problem child and Hana adopt Eri?"

The door to the room opened

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