New Years (Lemon)

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No one's POV:

It's New Years Eve. We see Izuku working out. You could tell he's been doing this for a while with the amount of sweat that has been absorbed by his shirt. His mind is currently wrapped around what Reinhart told him and Hana of what Eri wanted for Christmas.

Izuku: "*thought* I know we treated Eri like she's our daughter but I didn't think she saw us as her parents. She's spent more time with Aizawa-sensei and Emi"

We then switch to Hana on her computer playing StarCraft. She's losing surprisingly. Her mind as well is wrapped that Eri wants her and Izuku to be her parents.

Hana: "*thought* I always wanted to have kids with Izuku but we're still to young right now. We haven't even celebrated our one years anniversary. I love Eri to death but this is a bit much for me"

Both were bothered by this. They care about Eri a lot but becoming her parents. This is to soon for them. Eventually Izuku decided to head back to his room and Hana stopped playing. Izuku got back to his room and immediately went to take a shower. Hana laid on the couch staring at the ceiling.

Izuku/Hana: "*thought* What do we do?"

Their thoughts continue to bother them. Izuku eventually got out of the shower and went to put on his clothes. Hana saw him walk pass.

Hana: "*thought* Getting married to Izuku and having kids with him is my dream. But I'm still to young to be Eri's mother. I want to experience more stuff with Izuku before we settle down. I wish this was simple"

Izuku finished putting on clothes and exited their bedroom

Izuku: "Hana we need to talk"

Hana: "I know"

She sat up and Izuku sat next to her

Izuku: "Listen this thing about Eri wanting us to be her parents"

Hana: "I know it's been bothering me all day. I care about Eri a lot but becoming her adopted Mom is too much for me"

Izuku: "Me too. I do Eri as my daughter sometimes but I didn't think she would think the same. I don't want to make her suffer any more then she already has"

Hana: "Then what do we do? Should we tell her that we can't be her parents?"

Izuku: "...I don't know"

Both then sat in silence

Hana: "I wonder how Dustin and Emma are doing now. They're engaged to be married and Emma is expecting"

Izuku: "Knowing Dustin he's a bit freaked out knowing he's going to be Dad. I would be too"

Hana: "Want to go see them?"

Izuku: "Sure let's go"

They both leave and head to Dustin and Emma's room. They knocked the door opens to reveal Emma.

Emma: "Hana, Izuku what are you doing here?"

Hana: "We came here to see how you and Dustin are doing"

Emma: "We're doing fine. Well Dustin still a little freaked out"

Izuku: "Can we come in?"

Emma: "Sure"

They enter their and she closes the door. Dustin then comes out of the small kitchen making something.

Dustin: "What are you guys doing here?"

Izuku: "We want to see you two are doing after your engagement and her pregnancy reveal"

Dustin: "Well we're doing fine. Right now Emma is having some serious cravings"

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