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YOUR EYES FLUTTERED. As soon as you went in, the obnoxious music and elaborately shimmering clothes greeted you. The ballroom had gorgeous decorations and was painted with its true color, gold.

It was the concluding act of the new King's coronation. And who do you think was staring at you? It was none other than Giorno Giovanna, your sweetheart.

Yeah, you noticed the heat on your face. That must have been awkward to enter with such a crimson face. Maybe it gave you a sick appearance. Giorno, though, remained in your line of sight.

He was the sun, and all that emanated from him was light. As you entered the ballroom, you saw how lovely he looked. Three curls were present in his hair in its natural form, and the back hair was all loose and long.

Yet, as you kept your gaze on the people, you suddenly realized that you had been swept up in the din of the raucous wave of people. You attempted to peek through the crowd, but there were certainly too many people. Giorno would inevitably lose track of you.

You made a lot of effort to avoid using your heels to step on anyone's foot. Everyone was laughing and cheering, having a good time. While you were stranded, on the other hand.

The maid who had assisted you had left. She had to be thanked for getting you ready later. You questioned how maids were always so skilled at their jobs. You were, to put it mildly, pretty envious.

You unexpectedly ran into someone. They unexpectedly caught you as you soared back before you hit the chilly floor. You turned to face the individual as you stood back up. That was an unknown individual who you had never met.

"Do you want to dance with me?" He raised his voice.

You laughed and smiled awkwardly to yourself. "I might not be in the mood to dance right now, though. But I appreciate you finding me." You made a statement. "You have a good heart, sir."

The man smiled back. "You must be the King's acquaintance, am I correct? Or how should I say this...his partner?"

"Oh, yes...perhaps I am." You said.

"Oh, it's nothing to be ashamed of. I heard the news. It's a good thing you are healthy and healing now." The man said.

You nodded. "Thank you. You are generous."

When you once again got lost in the crowd. Then you made an effort to squeeze through the pit. The ballroom had numerous zones that divided the people. The dining area, the dancing floor, the women's area-where nobody truly likes you-and numerous other locations.

But in that section of the crowd, you were specifically lost. The strangely inappropriate area. Your mouth dropped open at the sight. Even though you truly didn't want to be a part of it, passing through it was your only option.

The women. The ladies in the area were doing all sorts of weird things to their partners in a variety of ways. You were tempted to conceal your eyes, I see. This breach of privacy wasn't it? You could also have to put away your eyes. You didn't want to explain what was going on.

"Hey missy, care to join us?" A man came up to you. His face was smug and his breath reeked of wine. He was indeed drunk. You shifted back as you raised a brow.

"Excuse me?" You said as you moved away. "No thanks, I'm trying to get out of here-"

The man suddenly took hold of your wrist. As he tightened his hold on it, your eyes became wider. He grinned at you while making a mess of you. Receiving abuse at a party? Seriously? Why were people so flawed?

𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐒𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐃𝐒 𝐠𝐢𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐨 𝐠𝐢𝐨𝐯𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐚Where stories live. Discover now