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YOU STOOD THERE DOING NOTHING. It felt strange. While everyone was having fun, exquisite music played. So, not everyone enjoyed themselves. Giorno was working on his portion of the mission, leaving you all alone. You were unsure about what to do. locate the man? What happens next? To kill such a man required putting your life in danger. You were unsure of what to do after this.

The inner you begged for death as you moved around. You were unable to stay here for even a moment. Dying. The cuisine, though, was great from your perspective. You appeared to be idle as you scanned the area. not until you received a shoulder tap.

"Miss, excuse me, but are you lost?"

When you abruptly turned around, a strange visage greeted you. You grinned at the man and shook your head. "No, sir. I was merely scanning the area." You gave the man a smile that didn't stop until you abruptly averted your sight. His Italian was broken.

"Oh, my bad. I believed you required some direction." The man spoke as he grinned at you in reply. "I was wondering whether you also needed any assistance."

This provided you with the line. "Oh well, how about a conversation? I feel quite alone out here." You had to project a delicate, elegant demeanor. He was indeed the man you were looking for, Salvatore Romano. How oddly coincidental. How come he was interested in you, though? just because you appeared to be alone?

"M'lady, I would adore that."

You were drawn in by what he said. You turned to face the man standing next to you and followed. It felt strange. However, you made every effort to avoid overthinking.

It was becoming more challenging for you two as you walked since you had to lift your dress with each step. You didn't want to trip and fall or get the outfit filthy.

This sucks... Giorno had just abruptly entered your mind, you mused to yourself. Whatever. You smiled while slowly shaking your head.

"Isn't the weather wonderful today?" You nodded in the answer as the man spoke slowly. "I understand why the royal family chose this particular day to conduct an event. How about you tell me your name?"

"My name is Y/n...and the weather is pleasant today. The flowers here must enjoy this location, you know. They are stunning." As you put on a phony smile, you spoke. Although the man didn't look particularly evil, you had to murder him. It wasn't you. But you had to.

"I see... Well, my name is Salvatore, Miss Y/n. I believe it's a fantastic chance for us to collaborate with this company. Salvatore made a statement.

The man who was with you observed your two of you were starting to get weary as you two walked and that you were breathing heavily and moving slowly. He removed his coat as he turned to face you. He set the garment on the sparkling fountain while still holding it. "Are you worn out? Would you mind taking a little seat?"

You slowly nodded after glancing at him. "I appreciate it, Sir Salvatore." He turned to face you as you sat down. Then all of a sudden, he kissed your hand while getting down on one knee. You backed away slowly after being shocked by what he did.

"Do you have any dreams, say?" He was looking elsewhere when you questioned.

"Okay, I guess I do." He talked slowly. "I aspire to have my empire someday. Dreams are things you pursue for yourself, not for other people." He kept talking. "As men, we knights seek both loyalty and power, but maybe, just maybe, I can have both. To have everything." You silently listened to his rambling before he abruptly pulled back and laughed to himself. "Sorry, I know it must be strange to bring up such a subject with a woman."

"Oh, no, it's okay. I do think it's interesting." You said. "You want to obtain the world? But how...I don't see how that is possible."

"Lady Y/n, nothing is impossible. I will thrive on every single possible to earn my dream. Even if it's worth everything but myself."  He said as he then stood onto the fountain that you sat on. "You see, I thrive for greatness, while many can pursue their dreams in solitude, other dreams are like great storms blowing hundreds, even thousands of dreams apart in their wake. Dreams breathe life into men and can cage them in suffering. Men live and die by their dreams. But long after they have been abandoned they still smolder deep in men's hearts. Some see nothing more than life and death. They are dead, for they have no dreams."

"You are one determined man." You lightly spoke. Then Salvatore slowly walked over to a flower bush, knelt, and plucked the lovely flower, and in his hand, held a yellow tulip.

"Achieving the world means being great. having and learning everything. The best is knowledge."As he gave you the yellow tulip, Salvatore spoke. "Take this as a symbol of optimism for the past or the future." He said while softening his tone.

"I appreciate it, Sir Salvatore. What do I return to give you back?" As you thanked him for his thoughtfulness, you asked.

"There is nothing you need to return. I'm solely focused on something else right now. It's very upsetting." His eyes moved to another part of the room, and you cocked your head. He gritted his teeth as you snatched the flower though.

He was encircled. By none other than the other knights of Giorno. He might not be able to realize all of his goals and objectives in the end.



a/n: omg beserk references in this chapter 😍

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