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your backstory

YOU DIDN'T KNOW. After escaping your family, you were unsure of what to do. You were left alone and unaccompanied on the perilous roadway. Even though you were afraid, you had to leave that awful home.

You were a resident of Sardinia's historic center. Although it was a sea island far from Italy, if you boarded a boat, you would undoubtedly arrive there. HOWEVER, how would you manage it? You were by yourself as you strolled through the shabby alleys of the Sardinian shore.

In the past, being a lady under the age of fifteen was not recommended. If you were never strong enough to fight back, you would receive looks and almost certainly be abducted. You forced yourself to change into the person you are today, hoping that these abilities may come in handy once you've escaped.

You attempted to consider your options while you strolled around the town. Although you were cash-strapped, you were aware of something. You heard two guys conversing as you snuck around the corner, and as you continued to listen, you realized that their conversation would soon turn into a dispute. You didn't know why you were here doing nothing but interfering in other people's business, and you were perplexed.

"I would eventually kill them personally. The most reliable approach is that. I had already made up my mind." His face was hidden, the guy claimed. But there was another man with tall white hair and a weird outfit. What were they doing in Sardinia? Were they going to bring trouble? The dark man looked angry, scared, and frightened. Why were you so invested in this?

In the hopes that nothing would go wrong, you made the choice to follow them. They were battling, but what about the air battles? You were perplexed since they were being struck by nothing. Did they possess special abilities? Even with the sun shining on them, you couldn't see the other man's face because the white-haired man was too far over the edge.

They were positioned close to the cliff where raging waters splashed onto it and blood covered the ground. The other man vanished as the white man shouted something you couldn't hear. You wondered whether they were seeing things that you weren't. The man started talking to himself now.

"The moment that anyone sees King Crimson...they are no longer in this world." The white-haired man's face was shattered and covered in blood as the dark-clad man struck him. He hacked off both of his legs after first slitting his eye. Who was evil and who wasn't as obvious to you. The bad one sought to overthrow the Italian royal family's hierarchy, not the Sardinian one.

The man eventually left when the altercation had concluded. You could see the entire goring incident and there was blood spattered everywhere. Up until the point when you eventually stepped outside, looked about, failed to see anyone, and peered under the cliff. The other man seemed to be alive, but he was in great danger as he was on a rock almost just above the waters that could wash him away.

You then heard a sound. Something was audible from behind you. It was also nearly whisper-like. "Do you intend to assist this man? Or are you only here to die?" You were then cut into bits. Before you passed out, you were able to make out the man's face through fuzzy eyesight. You fell into the water after being hit by an arrow.


When you eventually awoke, were you...still alive? Then, drenched in water, you reached for one of the rocks. Whatever became of the person who attacked you? How about the arrow that struck you in the neck? You let out a sigh and jumped onto the large chunk of rock. It was now your turn to assist the man before anyone noticed because he was still there. He was not awake. However, how would you raise him?

It had been hours since your encounter with the enigmatic pink-haired man, and it was also
night. You tried to lift the unconscious man but it was too heavy. not until another object suddenly popped into view.

You weren't sure it wasn't a ghost. It was what? You turned your head to gaze at it, and the ghost turned its head in response. Huh? Why did it imitate you? Who or what are you? You enquired about the ghost.

"I'm your place. And you observed these two men brawling while standing." said the ghost. "Only stand users have the ability to see other stand users. This is an expression of one's intrinsic power and, to some extent, a representation of one's psyche."

"But why hadn't I seen it before?" You wondered as you stared at it if only stand users could see stand users?

"You weren't a stand user that time, but when you were struck with that arrow. You would be dead right now if you weren't chosen by the arrow." The stand said. "I am the one who accompanies you."

"Do you have a name? Or..."

"It's BACHELOR'S KISS. Do you need help?"

"Well, I mean, can you carry him and me back to the top of the cliff? I want to aid this man who is aware." It obeyed your commands as you inquired. You had to help him; he was still alive, and you were holding onto his body.

"I merely assisted you there since you are still learning how to use your skills. But you should be grateful that I also assisted this individual."

"Abilities? I am capable of?"

"Yes, and trying to understand it on my own is much, much worse. Thus, when I teach you, you must pay attention." Bachelor's Kiss said. Although you wanted to aid the man first, you glanced at the ghost and nodded. That was your first assignment. To help this poor man and get to safety.



a/n: I know that Sardinia is in Italy but, im talking about that Italy where Naples, Venice, Florence, and Capri are located. But the next few chapters in your past. And back in the present time where you are talking with Giorno, he had already achieved Requiem and killed Diavolo.

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