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I will kill King Cyrus. I will kill King Cyrus.
I will kill King Cyrus. I will kill King Cyrus.
I will kill King Cyrus. I will kill King Cyrus.
I will kill King Cyrus. I will kill King Cyrus.
I will kill King Cyrus. I will kill King Cyrus.
I will kill King Cyrus. I will kill King Cyrus.
I will kill King Cyrus. I will kill King Cyrus.
I will kill King Cyrus. I will kill King Cyrus.
I will kill King Cyrus. I will kill King Cyrus.
I will kill King Cyrus. I will kill King Cyrus.
I will kill King Cyrus. I will kill King Cyrus.
I will kill King Cyrus. I will kill King Cyrus.
I will kill King Cyrus. I will kill King Cyrus.
I will kill King Cyrus. I will kill King Cyrus.
I will kill King Cyrus. I will kill King Cyrus.
I will kill King Cyrus. I will kill King Cyrus.
I will kill King Cyrus. I will kill King Cyrus.
I will kill King Cyrus. I will kill King Cyrus.

You were fine. Without King Cyrus, you were merely discovered. You were there, confined. You were deep in meditation while you were sitting on the bare floor. You had angry, dark eyes. You intended to return. You didn't require assistance from anyone.

You didn't want to be the ugly stepchild. You weren't interested in being a princess. To be protected from a charming prince? Who cares? Giorno wasn't necessary because he would obstruct your path. Specifically for you. It wasn't about anybody else in this.

It was about you.

This was your life.

You'd rather rescue yourself.

As you sighed. This was the second time you had been imprisoned. They had to decide what to do. murder you? what reason? It was foolish.

You focused on the ground. You attempted to poke your head outside the cell's pillars and noticed that there were countless prison cells present. How many fatalities are there here? How many prisoners were housed here?

A mess, that was. It was far too dim. You were unsure of the time of day. You questioned Salvatore's actions after he let go of you. When he released you go, he had a terrified expression on his face. similar to Giorno But this couldn't continue.

You sat down cautiously before realizing that the jail was empty. Nothing if there is no bed. You alone, desolate, and pleading for assistance. It was very cold. The walls and floor were made of stone, and there were no windows. They had a chill.


You froze. Slowly turning around, you looked into every corner of the room. "Who said that?" You spoke out. You weren't alone apparently. And the voice seemed to be different.

"It's just me, Bachelor's Kiss. I guess staying in a cell makes people turn insane." Your stand spoke out. You were frightened for a second, but there was nothing to be scared of anymore. It was just your stand. But one thing, you didn't summon her out. And another thing, people will truly think you are crazy. It will look like you are currently talking to a wall but it was your stand.

"What are you doing here? You scared me."

"How did you end up in this position? How are you locked up?

"Long story." You spoke. "King Cyrus wants to kill me but I don't know what he's going to do to me. I'm going crazy, aren't I? I am blabbering right now. I don't want to be insane." You complained to your stand.

"What?" Kiss just tilted her head. "Do they not serve food here? They are quite cruel."

"Quite? What do you mean quiet?"

"Whatever. Tell me what you want. You summoned me not by calling my name out, but you summoned me by your desire and intention." Your stand talked.

"Well...I want to get out of here. But that is too much of a risk. I do not have a plan. I want to kill King Cyrus..." You spoke. "But the thing is...I cannot kill Salvatore. He is just...I don't know."

𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐒𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐃𝐒 𝐠𝐢𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐨 𝐠𝐢𝐨𝐯𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐚Where stories live. Discover now