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I LOOKED OUT THE WINDOW. My hands holding a pen practicing my literature. I have locked in my room again. I couldn't get out until I had perfected everything. My father tells me I have to be careful. To not hurt me. He wanted to be perfect. Like a doll. I didn't understand. I was only 13.

I waited for someone. That's all I did. I wait and wait. I looked at my fingers. They were bruised from writing. My father would get mad at me again. I grabbed a pack of bandages and wrapped my fingers. I finished my work but my father wants me to keep going. I have scars from playing many instruments and knitting.

My room is little. Small. Nothing I can do in there was fun. Many people say the things I do is fun. I was lucky to have and learn many things but no one made it fun for me. I learned by myself. I was like a butterfly caught in a web.

I wanted to go outside. To breathe the fresh air. Happiness is a butterfly. But I've never seen one before. I saw a dog or a cat or anything. I've only read it in books. Nothing. I was isolated.

I'm already hurt.

There. My window made a noise. I waited. And heard another. It was a rock. Someone was throwing rocks at my window. I smiled at the thought. It was him. I stared out the window and opened it. As I looked down it was a little kid.

I smiled at him.

"Y/n! Are you done with your work!" He shouted down from the window. His name was Salvatore. He was 14, just one year older than me. I looked at him and nodded.

"Hey, why won't you talk to me!" I shushed up by putting a finger in front of my lips. He nodded because my parents would hear him. I showed him a book I read and he just put a disgusted face on. "You like reading books?"

I nodded. "Reading books is a way I can forget things."

"Why don't you come down here...Just for once?"
Little Salvatore said as he put his hand out. Of course, I couldn't reach it because it was way too high. "My father doesn't know I am out here. But come I want to show you something."

I shook my head. "I can't. My parents. They will get mad at me!"

He still smiled. "Come down! I'll bring you back! Just say that you went to see me!"

I hesitated a while before turning to face him. I desired freedom. The only person I spoke to was Salvatore. To see me, he ran the entire distance over here. Because of me, he frequently encountered problems. But he nonetheless returned. I have no idea why. I was on his mind. And I always enjoyed seeing him. He gave me a lot of lessons. He showed me how to have fun. He guided me in setting up the games. similar to the games he engaged in with his pals. But when I would cry, he would hold me. He would occasionally treat me too harshly. But I persisted in doing the work.

I looked around and slowly opened my door. I looked down to see if my parents were down there but they were. They were talking about things I wasn't allowed to hear. I went back to my room and cleaned my room. I looked outside. "How do I get down?" I asked.

"I will catch you, you can trust me!"

I nodded and put on a cheeky smile. "Okay. Don't drop me!"

As I went down he caught me. I was surprised he was strong enough to. But as I got down I looked outside and breathed in a big chunk of fresh air. I looked at him and smiled. He grabbed my hand but I winced in pain.

"What happened to your fingers? Why are they stitched up?" Salvatore asked. I shook my head for him to forget it. He smiled. "Anyways come! I want to show you the lake near your house."

𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐒𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐃𝐒 𝐠𝐢𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐨 𝐠𝐢𝐨𝐯𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐚Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum