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"I SUPPOSE YOU TWO ARE ACQUAINTED?" Y/n swiftly turned her head and noticed the man with the golden curls leaning against the wall. Giorno was aware that she wasn't thinking positively. Perhaps something bad about him.

Polnareff stared at Giorno and felt Y/n's hands grip his. "It's a long story, prince," he said. "Giorno, do you perchance need anything?"

Giorno sighed and merely stared at them, remaining silent. His arms were crossed, and his body was still jammed up against the walls. He gave Y/n a fleeting glance, but she didn't give him a dirty look. Maybe...could he be envious? Giorno hurriedly shook his head no and stared at his trembling hand. What's the deal here?

"But I want to tell you everything, Polnareff. I have a lot to share with you." Y/n spoke while ignoring Giorno. Giorno furrowed his brow at Y/n's abrupt alteration but refrained from responding. She seemed so content around other people, so why did she never act this way around Giorno? Giorno was always the master at reading people, so why could he read this girl? He was curious about her attitude. She seemed differently with cosmetics than she did without such clothing. "So Giorno, why don't you excuse us?"

Giorno replied as Y/n cocked her head, "Y/n, we need to discuss. It's about a few things." As Polnareff simply shrugged in response, Y/n stared at him, sighed, and then turned to face him. Giorno raised a brow and make a sternly blank face. Is she mad at me?

We may discuss this more later, Polnareff. "You, as well as the rest of us, have such things to attend to," Giorno observed how they become close to one another. Y/n hugged Polnareff once more while making a pouty look at him. Giorno had changed his attitude ever since. He was bewildered. He was never clear-headed. Uncertain about the one smiling female who was in front of him. Giorno wished to know what she was contemplating or how her day had been. However, he was aware that she despised him.

"Okay, good. I'll talk to you later, Pol. But make sure you come over later so we can chat!" When Y/n reached Giorno, she was standing by his side and grinning. And Giorno? He couldn't contain himself. Then, Y/n turned to look at him. She was short compared to him so she had to look up. "So...what do you want?"

God. She stared at Giorno and her expression went blank. She didn't seem as joyful. "Follow me," said Giorno. Giorno had something to say. This was merely a pretext for speaking with her. "What do you think of this plan, then?"

"This dress and corset are hurting me, and I don't understand where you're going with this," Y/n exclaimed as she fiddled with her shiny curled-up hair and messed with the clothing she was wearing. "Prince, this is all your fault."

Giorno laughed as he observed her awkward gait; her heels were too high for her. "You had the right to reject my offer. In addition, I think you'll excel in this position. It greatly aids us."
"It eludes me. Please elaborate."

"Because of my father, there are several drug dealers in this kingdom. I can kill him if I can get a hold of him. However, I must first assemble a trustworthy squad, and I already have one." Giorno spoke as he walked alongside Y/n. He detested his father and his ways, as he would often express. And the kingdom is all his if he can persuade him to retire. "You're a terrific addition to the team, in my opinion. To earn my father's trust, we once saved him from Diavolo, and now he has no idea."

However, Y/n added, "I don't understand why I'm here or why I'm wearing so many expensive things that don't suit me. "I did accept your offer since I needed a place to stay and a place to earn a living before moving on to the next location, you know"  Giorno halted in his tracks as she proceeded, but she persisted. She was thrown into bewilderment and he turned to gaze at her.

"'Go to the next location?' Why does that matter?" Giorno interrogated her. She didn't just state that she wouldn't remain here, did she? But did she? Why would she wish to visit another location? To learn that she wasn't planning to stay after Giorno offered her this job, a place to stay, and a variety of delectable treats?

Y/n offered Giorno an odd, crooked smile, and heaven knows Giorno didn't understand her. She was such an incredible creature. Giorno was curious to learn more. He had a plethora of questions for her. her origins and who she is today. Why does he have to be so devoted to her?

"Yeah, I kind of just happened to go past this area."

"Well, how can I convince you to stay?" Giorno murmured as he cast a glance at the person in front of him. God, why did he treat her in this way? "How come? Even if you are free to leave, I did ask them to keep you from leaving."

"You're acting strangely. Are you certain you aren't losing your mind? And who is them?"

"Am I? Everyone says that." Giorno deeply said as he then chuckled at her concerned face. "Don't worry, mia cara. I want to show you something." Giorno carried Y/n along as he went. She knew about it, but he did not. He intended to take her someplace. She had never been to anyone he had known. If he hadn't met her, he might not have had the opportunity to.

"What is our destination? Don't I still have work to do?" Giorno reprimanded Y/n as she questioned. Giorno wished to transport her to a tranquil location. If he had the opportunity, he would have gotten to know her right now.



a/n: Giorno might be some bit of a yandere in this ff and maybe hints of him becoming a vampire.

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