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IT WAS SO SURREAL. It seemed like an eon would soon end. You experienced life. a life filled with blunders and regrets. However, you had a chance. potential for improvement. And there you were battling the French King.

The jewel's fragments began to tremble and flash a vivid crimson color. Everyone was fixated on the chaos. The Red Jewel of Death. Why did you initially become interested in it? Was it bad it harbored? Or was it due to truth and fate?

What had connected you and this exquisite jewel in the first place? Who created? Who was the previous owner? How come you stole it? Yes, fate was responsible. Through your eyes, the evil had cursed you, causing you to steal it. You met Giorno as a result of your activities. The gem was the cause of everything.

You were here for a purpose.

As the fragmented pieces rattled, you fixed your gaze on them. They were instantly brought back together while heavily glowing. You had no idea what would transpire. You turned to face the man who made you angry. He studied the jewelry with furrowed eyes. He reached for the jewelry, but you pushed him back with your stand. He has pushed you away even though it was reflected in you.

His flaw was that. Even if the attack was deflected back to its target, King Cryus would still sustain harm if he were to be struck. Whoever could tolerate the suffering was what mattered. And who was willing to fight each other to the death?

You coughed up blood as you collapsed to the ground from the attack that was blocked. You labored as you sat up slowly. You were indeed frail in terms of your physique and limbs. But up until now, that has been the jewel's trigger. a person who can take the suffering.

Slowly, but there, you stood up. Something had suddenly hit you. It matters because of fate. One heart to another Your heart had been wounded on the inside by the gem of death.

You retreated. You appeared to be about to pass away as your eyes rolled to the back. Was it you? As you hit the ground, you were unaware. Your heartbeat quickened. It had the impression of looping through each vein. The blood was moving more quickly than usual. It was as if your heart was going to burst out of your chest.

As your heart stopped beating, the only sound you could hear was King Cyrus's loud laughter.

All of a sudden, your thoughts changed. You had the impression that your body had left you. You were not where you were. You were not in France or Italy. You had nowhere to be.

You were still alive. You couldn't be, though. No. No. No. You had this thinking. But then you understood. You were still alive. It was not yet over.

Your location was not France. King Cyrus was not visible to you. No one or Giorno did you see. You were in what appeared to be a dream. a vision in which you were in charge of your consciousness.

Even in a dream, you were still moving. This just meant that you alone can control it if you have aspirations and a desire to own it. The entire universe was in your hands. After all, this was your life.

You slowly opened your eyes and noticed a tune off in the distance. Something with a melody that you could hear.

The "Bachelor's Kiss" You were correct when you stated that someone was singing the music. You took a stand. As you moved closer, you continued to ogle the stand. But it seemed so far away. Instead, you took off running. run to your destination.

However, you noticed a door as you turned around. Did you have to decide between life and death? Truth or despair, please? When you turned around, the song was still pacing in your ears.

𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐒𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐃𝐒 𝐠𝐢𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐨 𝐠𝐢𝐨𝐯𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐚Where stories live. Discover now