Chapter Five: Decker duty

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'I'm on the highway to hell, on the highway to hell'

"What do you want Hell Horns" I snapped

Currently I was sitting with Ajax and Lacy in their small bookstore. I was telling Ajax about the problems through out the days that were making me crazy. Lacy gave me a worried look when I called Lucifer Hell Horns but I just shrugged it off she was a new witch that is somehow Ajax's daughter so I let her off with a lot of things, only because she was Ajax's daughter and right now Ajax knew how to put me through five hours of pure torture so I'm staying on his good side.

"Death" he said

"What do you want?" I said bitterly Lacy's face showed shock when I said that and she whispered to Ajax

"How can she get away with talking to him like that?"

"I actually don't know she just always has"

"Death, I heard your screams from down here, are you okay?"

"Oh you know, just getting some drug flushed out of my body with holy water because apparently all the events happening to me are making me crazy"

"What? Where are you?"

"Whys that Hell Horns, suddenly believe me?"

"Where are you? I can't track you, are you in a witches place?"

I pulled the phone from my ear and cover it from my hand leaning over to Ajax and whispering to him "are we hidden right now?"

"All witches homes are hidden from any demon or powerful demon angel such as Lucifer"

I put the phone to my ear and began talking to Lucifer again

"Maybe I don't want to be found, I was accused of lying and from the one person who I thought would trust their one and only death angel"

"Death don't guilt trip me," he snapped

"Opps I didn't mean to, I'm at Ajax's"

And with that I hung up

"Are you crazy?" Lacy started "You are bringing him here? After talking to him like that? He will burn the house down, I cant handle that power, dad cant handle that power"

"I can handle that power sweetheart, I feel stronger than ever," I said

"Death please do not do anything stupid" Ajax asked standing from his seat and getting him self some tea.

"I won't Ajax I owe you that much"

"Thank you" he said sitting down with the hot cup between his hands

"I remember when I was going all human I called you Mr. Richer, which is what I knew you when I was human, but I thought over the years you would have had to change your identity how did I recognize you?"

"Because you were indeed changing it your human self and your supernatural memory was clearing its self because well humans cant handle what you have been through. You were halfway between the process so you were seeing me as both rather than just plain Ajax. Plus technically in your weakest state you angels are able to strip any being from their magic or source of power so my normal illusion would have dropped"

"Wait so how are you still Ajax after all these years?"

"Witches live for a very, very long time"

"How do you know so much?" I said interested

"As I said Death witches live for a very, very long time"

I was about to ask another question when the devil burst through the door snapping the little bell of the chain that hung above the small wooden door.

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