Chapter Seven: An inside look

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"Tommie, give it back"

"Ashton no, its my turn with it"

"No its not, i have only had it for-"

She stood there staring at me. She had long blonde hair and a warm smile. Her clothes were fully black and she wore high boots.

"You can see me? That's great little Ashton makes this so much easier"

"Who are you?" I asked

"Me? I'm Kathrin. Kathrin Clyde. Well that's my old human name"

"Why are you here?"

"gosh for a tiny one you sure are smart and ask a lot of questions"

It was true, since the first time I first met the thing that took my fathers life, my intellect level excelled majorly. But it was only certain times, being around demons and anything supernatural that this came out. Other times I was just your typical 4 year old child, oh and three quarters.

"why are you here" i pushed. 

The world around me had frozen as we both talked. Tommie was sitting there still holding the bright green car that I wanted. Charlie was racing the red one with Sam down the block road we made. 

"Ashton i'm here for many reasons. See we have been tracking your wee angel around for a while now. And we found out she spoke to cupid. Now knowing cupid there are matches involved so we decided to question him. Eventually halfway through cutting off one of his wings he spilled, told us about her match and how it didn't make sense why it happened so young. The match ended up being... well, you. A little 4 year old is destined to match with the mighty grim reaper. my instant thought was, we have a weak point. i thought we did until i realised that you are completely unguarded and she is no where to be seen. she doesn't even know its you"

"The one who killed my dad"

"Yes that one, Death, the Angel of death, Grim Reaper whatever you call her"

"I hate what she did to my life. Ever since she shown her face nothing has been normal, I can see things I don't want to see, hear things I don't want to hear. I just want to go back to my old life where mum and dad we alive and i played with my car toys alone and never had to share"

"yeah well life is a scale and you are stuck in the low side, now be a darling and stand still for me, make possession so much easier"


I can't control my body anymore, my arms won't move when I tell them to move. What is going on? Why am I walking over to the arts and crafts table? I can't stop myself from picking up the scissors. I tried so hard to stop my legs from walking over to Charlie who is still frozen in place. 'CHARLIE' I tried to yell but nothing came out, the only noise the echoed the room was the slow slicing of the blade as it slit through a part of charlie's neck. Suddenly Charlie burst back into movement, his hand flew up to his neck as it poured out with blood, the blood was everywhere all over the floor, his clothing and his hand and arm was coated in the red liquid. I wanted to look away but I couldn't I was forced to watch one of my new best friends scream out in pain crying for help but not receiving it. Charlie looked deep into my eyes, hot tears streaming down his cheeks and just said one word that made me want to break down and cry. 


That wasn't the end of it I walked over to Tommie and did the exact same thing watching the life slowly drain out of his eyes, blood everywhere. After Tommie it was Sam. Once all three were completely dead the lady appeared beside me and I could once again control my body. I just stepped back and looked over what just happened completely silent. The lady stood there and placed a finger to my forehead the stepped back into the shadows.

What just happened? Why are there scissors in my hand? Why am I covered in blood? There were three limp bodies on he floor covered in blood, those bodies belonged to my best friends.

I killed them! hot tears streamed down my face. The room slowly began to fill with black smoke

"What the fuck?" She said looking at me, She was the one who killed my dad that night and told me to not to tell anyone. Death as the lady said. She was so scary but yet I felt something there, like I could trust her or I cou-

"What the fuck happened here?"  

"I- I- I- killed them" i said bursting into tears 

"Shut up" she snapped at me

"Your not very nice" 

"So i have been told, Now tell me what happened here"

"I stabbed them" 

"Well that was straight to the point. How did you know where to stab them right in the jugular so they bleed to death in minutes. Your like two? Three? I don't know you midgets look all the same"

"I'm four and three quarters" i corrected her

"Okay whatever I don't give a flying fuck. Why did you kill them?"

"I don't know"

"What do you mean you don't know?"

Thats when the lady stepped out of the shadows. It wasn't long until she annoyed Death and her head rolled along the floor. Death told me she would return the lives of the boys if i got into bed. Quickly as fast as i could i ran to my bed and crawled inside pulling the blankets up. It wasn't long until she was gone again and the three boys lay in bed their chests rising and falling. 

I couldn't sleep, after what happened I couldn't sleep at all, even though there is a massive black spot I can't remember, it was the sight of their limp bodies on the ground that will haunt me. 

I must have drifted off to sleep at one point because I woke to a strange feeling. It felt as if someone was in my head pulling me a certain direction. I swear I saw a shadow but I didn't look to find out, I closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep, every now and again I would open my eyes a wee bit just to see what was going on. The figure stood in the middle of the room and said a coupe of words that Death uses way to much. He scooped up the ashes of the lady and looked towards the beds of the three boys. 

"What the fuck, Right okay Aaron focus, Death has done us a favour, I will be able to get Marigold to bring Kathrin back with one of her witchy spells and now the Elders won't loo into it because the boys are all alive again and memories are wiped. Ashton is still left unguarded. Things are going to be fine. I just need to get these ashes to Marigold and then I will come back for the boy and go from there"

The Aaron guy disappeared with the ashes. 

 A few minutes after Death arrived back into my room saying she was going to wipe my memory.  I had to get out of here before he comes back and the feeling in my head was getting strong again like he was getting closer. 

"It's not safe here" i said quietly

"Okay fine, i'll take you back to my home. It's safe there. i can put up blocking spells to stop any demons coming close"


"Yes, quick question. those ashes i burnt. where did they go?" she said looking around the room 

"The man took them, quick Death i can feel him getting closer"


really short chapter, uploading it now because it's so short. hopefully things are clicking into place now well the things i want you to know. if i play my card right that is

Merry Christmas and a happy new year. :) all the best for 2016 

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