Chapter One: Why Does Everyone Assume?

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He was on his knees begging for his life.

"Please give me another chance sir"

I had him kneeling in a dirty puddle in the middle of a dark, musty alleyway. The streetlight would flicker every now and again highlighting the panic in his face.

"Sir" I snapped, "Why does every human being assume I'm male? It is because of my name? Death, or is it because I'm the grim reaper? I never knew taking peoples souls was a male's job.

"Ma'am please I never got to live my life to the fullest" the sobbed between words

"Ma'am now that makes me sound old I'm only like 228 years old"

I stepped out of the shadows more but the man couldn't see my face.

"Please" they begged, "please, please, please"

The feeling of anger was building up inside of me, nothing was worse than a pathetic human begging for their life.

"You are pissing me off, let me tell you one thing, you don't want to get me angry mister," I said as calm as I could

He remained silent staring at me with a strange look on their face.

"What?" I snapped at him.

His eyes instantly left me and he focused on the puddle he was looking in before he quietly spoke

"Why is it no one sees your face?"

"People see my face" I say confused

"But on Halloween the grim reaper wears a hood and covers his face"

"Again with the him, and because Halloween is a piece of shit holiday and don't know anything about the supernatural although the people walking around with toilet paper around them trying to be mummies is quite entertaining. When I was mortal like you my birthday was actually on Halloween"

He fell silent again playing with the water around his fingertips.

"As much as I would love to torment you and play around in that head of yours I'm running a bit behind so this is going to be quick"

I called my scythe and it appeared in my hand in a second. The massive blade reflected his worried face.

"That's a massive blade" he commented

"Louis Caver, this is the day you die. I must end your life and drain you of your soul either you go to heaven or to hell where they decide what to do with you, your sins in life will determine your out come" I said strongly watching him dip lower and lower as I said the words

The man was in his 50s so I had to make his death more believable we are in an alley way and he is drunk, sitting in a puddle.

"Here is what is going to happen Louis, you have stumbled out of the pub very drunk in to the cold, wet, dark alleyway. Where you have tripped on that rubbish tin there and knocked yourself out. But sadly you have fallen face first into the puddle and have got no oxygen to your lungs so you drowned to death"

"Seems reasonable," he said

"Why cant everyone be as understanding as you, I have had people who wont accept the fact that they are dying and try to fight me and all sorts. I mean you were begging before but now you're just..."

"It was nice meeting you Death, hopefully I won't see you down there" he said pointing below him to hell

"We will see Louis," I said before hitting him in the head. He collapsed into the puddle and a few minutes later he was gone.

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