Chapter Eleven: Tails or Tales

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Cupid didn't teleport us to the library, he fucked up and we ended up in a small house.

"Idiot, I knew I should have done it" I snapped

"I'm just grabbing something" he said walking into a small room off the lounge I was standing in. This place smelled a lot like Cupid.

"Is this your place?" I asked picking up a glass decoration of Jesus.

"Yeah, just grabbing some weapons. Do you need any other than your scythe?"

"I always carry them with me. When you're the bitch of the world you don't go far without them"

"Bitch? I wouldn't call you that"

I snapped glass Jesus' head off and placed it back like nothing happened.

"You obviously don't know me well enough"

"I know your real story, about your gift and being thrown to earth" he said stepping back into the room with all these swords and knifes.

"You know the soft porn version, the one that the elders can get away with, without tainting their pretty image of theirs"

"No, I was there" he said "I watched it all unfold"

"And you believe them I suppose"

"No not really, your punishment was way to exaggerated for what you said, you should just be thrown behind Angel bars"


"No, actually I just said that to piss you off, your power comes from anger which you have plenty of. If you're pissed off, then you're powerful. So let's go kill a shape shifter"

"Better watch yourself. Would hate to hit the wrong Cupid during this fight" I said with a smirk

Cupid's face dropped and with that I teleported us out and to the steps of the library.


"We were about to open up the doors when they flew open with a massive force.

Stood there was a very sexy, God like, charming Cupid.... I didn't like him already. I instantly pulled my blade out and looked at my reflection in it. Definitely better looking than that thing, then again I always am.

The creature and I made eye contact and it charged at me, so i did the same and ended up throwing it back into the library bring a shelf down in the process.
But I underestimated its strength it used its wings to push itself up and now we were face to face. It has adapted claws while I still had my blade. It felt like a life time we were Gazing at each other until I flew forward, my massive wings giving me force and I tackled the ugly thing to the ground. Another bookcase broke, throwing books and pages everywhere; they rained around us like snow on a cold day. That's when it swung at me the massive talons missing me by an inch. I pulled back further and threw my blade out to it, slicing its hand off. It screeched as blood flew everywhere coating everything close to it. While it had been injured it dropped its illusion showing its true form. It had a strong muscled body covered in blue and blood red scales, a long tail came out the back and a small single horn on his shoulder. Massive fangs ripped through his lips causing more blood with big green cat's eyes. Let's just say there's no doubting I'm better looking than it now.

It caught me off guard as I hit the floor with a bang my blade sliding across the room. It had used its tail to trip me up and was now on top of me trying to get its other hands claws into my neck. But lucky I was strong I pulled the arm back with all my might and snapped it. It looked like jelly flopping all about. I thought the fight would be easy now, I thought it would be simple fighting something with no arms but I was wrong, as I thought that to massive arms grew underneath the others these ones with sharper talons that were dripping with demon poison.

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