Chapter Fourteen: 3000 Years

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Another gorgeous picture drawn for me, the same amazing girl PuellaMagiLulu. Thank you so much for putting the time you have into reading my book, the odd vote and comment i get just puts me over the moon and seeing that the reads pick up by a couple of people every few days is great. thank you for all of those who have stuck through till this stage of the book you guys are honestly amazing, and patient because there was a time i just stopped updating. thank you :)  

"Amitiel the one thing we ask you to do and you disobey us?"

"You sound surprised" I said bluntly

Here I was dragged up by my broken bleeding out wing to heaven by hell horns might I add to face these old smelly farts, because I disobeyed them.
How you ask?
I killed Decker, and it wasn't easy I can tell you that; saying that he was prepared is an understatement.


"Decker" I yelled as I walked into a church, this church was fairly old built in the 12th century, during the Neo gothic stage. It had your usual cross layout if you were looking from above, and it had a massive spire at the entrance which influenced people to look towards 'god' as the average person's eyes follow up the spire naturally. It had massive rose window followed by many carvings and designs all around it. Being a neo gothic church its power is amplified within its walls, meaning I'm going to fucking suffer until I get that dick's ass outside. And to make it even worse the colour of the church was white, meaning purity. The fucker was prepared.

I could smell demons as I walked down the aisle, and I could smell a lot of them.

"Ah Death" a voice echoed through the church.

"Asshole" I spat back

He stood at the altar a few demons on either side of him he had a smug smile on his face... oh how I wanted to throw a coffee table at him, but I bit my anger back; he needed to do his cliché tell the person their plan speech.

"I suppose you want to hear my genius plan" he said pacing side to side on the altar

"Not really but i don't ha-"

"Well it all started back when you killed me"

"Shocker" I said quietly under my breath

"You see I wanted revenge, but because you are the angel of death it's hard to get close to yo-"

Upside to his pacing he didn't see the churches chair coming towards his face until it was too late.

"I'm sorry were you talking?" I said sitting down on one of the other chairs in the church "please continue"

"You just made a big mistake Death, you see I was going to make your death quick but n-"

Another chair hit him in the face.

"Okay who threw that?" I said spinning around talking to an imagery person behind me "I was looking forward to the threat"

"As I was saying, I was going to make your death qui-"

Another chair was thrown in his direction but one of the demons beside him stood in the way before it could shatter on that massive ego"

"You know what, fuck it" he said angrily "ATTACK"

The six demons charged for me while others teleported inside the church walls, I could start to feel the burning in me as I was using my powers more than usual.

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