Problem solving

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Continuing Sea Gazer's story...

DAMNIT! I cant remember the fight with the leviathan! And our person with the clearest memory of the encounter was exiled days ago.

I had my doubts about the harpoon penetrating deep under water. I had a cannon aimed straight down, and a diving bell observer watch the max depth. Its barely the distance of two crewmen, before the damn thing slows to the point of being useless.

On top of that, stuffing the cannon with fabric only works roughly half the time. The other half, the harpoon just falls out into the water. Did Jacobs know some kind of trick? Not like we can ask him now.

I swallowed my pride and asked around. The crewmen who loaded the cannons died. Viktoria was below deck during the whole fight. Apparently bloody tears streamed down my face. We fought this thing for two days!

Signe is claiming it was 'Thor's lighting which brought it down.' I asked him if he could summon Thor's lightning on demand... nothing. 'Ben' is gone too, which means his attacks went with him.

I'm really hoping we don't need a combination of all three forms of attack to defeat these things. But then... is that really a tall order? Or am I thinking too small?


The 'King' approached me. For a king, he really seems to not act the part. He really just told me to keep calling him Meier behind closed doors. I thought 'kings' were supposed to be above the rest of us. He assured me "Its just a title." 'lord' is just a title. its a job.

What was I expecting? I dont know. I thought lords and kings had these luxurious lives, and attended banquets and balls. We still smell just as sweaty after our titles as we did before them.

(Egil's note: My own bias towards nobility mostly stems from the elitism that came after the war. Sea Gazer was one of my own personal inspirations. ...aside from the whole 'being of a ship' thing.)

Meier really wants the ship designs drafted up sooner rather than later. I asked if we could find Jacobs. He said 'no,' and the search team would likely kill him on sight. I asked about his crimes. He said "The asshole bagged us our leviathan. Now he's somebody else's problem." ...and he changed the subject back to the designs.

I swallowed my pride again, and pointed out we're having troubles recreating exactly what Jacobs did. Meier said he's going to reach out to his contacts over the mystic's network.

I asked what exactly was happening in the rest of the world. I kind of wish I didn't. I could have asked Viktoria. I think I kinda knew the news would be bad from her as well.

It looks like Spain is fully occupied. France is getting pushed back again. Germany is pretty much destroyed. There's also a demonic force pushing west from Asia.

The Vatican is prepping some kind of 'bastion' of its own. They're trying to create some kind of 'wall of resistance' stretching from Nice to Venice, by occupying the mountains.

There are more reports of demonic possession. My god! I thought those were over! They apparently starting picking up after Jormungandr forced their retreat.


Meier requested we pull our ship in for repairs! Finally!

...and we have two new crew members: Gamal and Chausiku. Gamal lending his services from the Ottoman Empire. Chausiku is cloaked, masked... and shackled.

(Egil's note: While the other entries are edited brevity, this one very noticeably just stopped)


I admit, my emotions got the better of me. I expected resistance from Meier's guards, but once I shouted my name at them, they just let me in.

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