The terror of a 50/50 outcome

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Official looking people in white and blue garbs started down the steps on one end of the bazaar. Priests and mages? The skulled demon Logan looked in their direction. The zombies ran at them at full sprint.

One of them dropped to their knees in prayer "Voco super te. Accipe sacrificium pro me ut restituatur hos innocentes." In a flash of blue flame, she became an ash? statue, still on her knees in prayer... and the zombies slowed. Egil heard the sounds of their bones snapping back into place. The grey complexion faded. She gave her life... and healed them.

Oh thank the gods! The atrocity was undone. ...but... she sacrificed herself.

"WHAT!?" Logan yelled.

In the church-backed stories, this would be where Egil would see the error of his ways and turn to a life of repentance. Except... the church turned a blind eye to the slavers, and pretty much want Egil and his crew dead, in any way they can swing it.

Two of the recently restored humans, embraced each other. Please! Get out of here! He was thankful the poor girl put an end to the atrocity, but in the broad scheme of things, the sacrifice felt more tragic than inspirational.

Egil turned to Logan "I said: NO magic that affects civilians. Target ONLY the combatants!" This included the priests. He conveyed the sense of crowds hunting them down in the streets.

The situation was already pretty bleak. There would already be a story of the priesthood 'swooping in and saving everyone.

Then it hit him... ohhhhhhh... that's why the angel isnt here. He thought back to his simulated fight. It destroyed... everything. The most extreme holy summons and the most demonic both didnt really care about human life. Though there was a middle ground, like everything, it was really up to the summoners to impose the rules to preserve humans.

Egil didnt sense any actual desire to kill from the demons... except Logan, who seemed to be suppressing some dark traits. The phase walker had a sort of animalistic desire to 'play with prey.' The illusory seemed to just exist, almost machine-like. The gargoyle, imp, kitsune, and interestingly, the recently released jinn, seemed relieved

More guards rushed in, this time, without really paying attention to Egil's group.

Let them go. Egil ordered, over the links.

The soldiers ran up to the newly restored civilians and began ushering them out of the area. As one of the guards ran by, he held a crying child in his arms. Their eyes briefly met. She had better not have been zombified.

In a lot of ways Egil was relieved by this, but in others, this was dangerously opening up attack options on both sides.

Combat retreat! He sent over the links. Let's use the civilian evacuation as cover, to do the same.

This was an order only vaguely defined ahead of this mess: "Set shit on fire while we back up to the horses."

The gargoyle put his two hands together, combining both of its fire arc attacks and blasting them into the sky.

Egil squinted, the entire world seemed to flicker between blinding light and normalcy. Oh wow, its a strobe effect. He's not killing anyone, he's just blinding them with the light. Why didnt I think of that?

The opposing side covered their eyes, and the last of the civilians appeared to be led out of the killing field. There was one straggler, a woman seemed to put an eyeless mask over her face. No eyes? How can she see? Wait... blue robes...

Almost faster than the man could react, multiple miniature fire balls suddenly flashed towards him. He diverted the first dozen as a reaction. Ok, gather up the entropy, and blast it back at her.

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