One Year Later

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Yup. It took about a year to fix all the damages.

Well, by fix, I mean completely replace. Orange was right when she said we'd build the buildings better. Even still, it's not perfect. There are still wounds that'll never heal, but there's nothing I can do about it.

We decided to get rid of the over-the-top roofs and stick with actual roofs. That means I, unfortunately, had to say goodbye to the coconut-shaped roof for my clinic. Instead, there's a coconut-themed sign outside my clinic that says "COCONUT CLINIC" in bold brown letters. The color schemes have stayed the same. For examples, Strawberry's new cafe is red, Plum's studio is purple and Orange's store is, well, orange. We got rid of the jumpsuits for good, making a pledge that we'll never have to endure such a rough time again.

Raspberry and I are relaxing at a bench in the center of town, where Mr. Longface Caterpillar's statue of honor is. He's holding himself in a mighty manner, raising his cane high for all the city to see. He didn't deserve to go like he did. I tell myself that every day. He could have survived, had he not sacrificed his life for Berrykin Bloom. Speaking of which, Berrykin Bloom is also at the statue, kneeling before it. Every day since the statue was built, he's spent countless days mourning his dear friend. The girls and I have tried to cheer him up, but when your best friend forever dies in front of you, there's not much that can be done. It took Strawberry six whole months to get over Mr. Longface's death. I suppose he was like a close uncle or father to her. With this statue here, however, I doubt anyone is going to forget what he did.

Raspberry: Dom.

I look at her.

Me: Hi.

Raspberry: [giggles] Hi.

She sits on top of me, wrapping her arms around my neck, making me feel nervous immediately.

Me: What's this about...?

Raspberry: I just can't stop thinking about how lucky I am to have a boyfriend like you!

She moans softly as she smothers my face with her raspberry-flavored kisses. Not just my mouth, but the whole deal.

The thought of Apple Dumplin still lingers in my adolescent brain. That's why I'm not enjoying this moment as much as I want to. I shouldn't be ungrateful since Raspberry saved my life. Something I can't say I've done for anybody.

Raspberry: Mwa~! Mwa~! Mwa~!

Eventually, the kisses become too much.

Me: O-okay, okay, I get it. I love you, you love me, we're a happy family.

Raspberry gets off me and feels so embarrassed.

Raspberry: Oh, bitter berries, I'm so sorry... I'm too excited...

Me: [chuckles] It's more than okay, Razzie.

Strawberry walks over to us.

Strawberry: Hey, you two, I haven't seen Orange and Plum all morning. Berry Bitty City's grand reopening is today and the princess entrusted me with making sure all the stores are prepared.

Raspberry and I smile at Strawberry.

Me: Plum and Orange, you say?

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