House Pests

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I am still at Huck's place before realizing I should head back.

Me: Huck, thank you for everything, but it's about time I head back to Berry Bitty City.

Huck: Oh, no problem. Thank you for sticking around. It's nice to know there's more to this world than just... bugs.

I chuckle.

Me: You and me both.

Sadie: So, wait, you're going back?

Kadie: You're leaving us?

Sadie: Of course, just as we thought we had something...

I chuckle.

Me: I promise I'll visit you as much as I can, girls. I need to go back though, because I've got a business to run and friends to see.

Huck: Sounds like you have a wonderful life.

Me: I wish it were. There are evil creatures out there who want to kill me. I'm vulnerable just by being away from Berry Bitty City for this long.

Huck: Then you're definitely better off there.

Kadie: Hmm, yeah.

Sadie: I guess so.

Me: Thank you everyone.

I bid farewell and... I already forgot the way back. I awkwardly enter the cottage again.

Me: Kadie, Sadie, would you please help me find my way back to the intersection place?

They chuckle in amusement, but they oblige.

Kadie: Come on, Coconut.

Sadie: We'll lead the way.


I follow Kadie and Sadie all the way back and as we do... I notice it's eerily quiet.

Me: Wait a minute...


Kadie and Sadie shiver and tremble at the thundering footsteps increasing behind us. But I know all too well who those footprints belong to. I don't even need to see the culprit.

King Vorthrax: It's foolish to be out here on your own, pest.

I tremble as I turn to face him.

Me: I-I guess so. Except I'm not alone.

Kadie and Sadie are nowhere to be found.

Me: Never mind...

King Vorthrax: It would seem you are at my mercy, yet again.

Me: There's no one here to stop you. Running would be useless. I'm out of options. Y-you don't need mercy, you evil being.

King Vorthrax: Evil being? Oh, thanks. Definitely a step up from being a bully.

Me: That wasn't a compliment.

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