Nothing to Fear but Berries Themselves

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O-Orange wasn't afraid of Galumphalots for no reason. In the story, it says that Galumphalots have ten beady eyes, five on each row. A demonic wail of a cry that keeps you up at night. They have teeth like barbed wire, and if one of them catches you with their jaws, it's not going to let go. It has a long body, a dozen legs, and it moves at the speed of light, despite its husky body.

Can you even imagine what that looks like? I don't want to! But I've read the book, and now I can! So I have that dreadful image in my head as I approach Lemon's salon. I notice Orange is right behind me.

Me: Hey, Orange. Where were you?

Orange: Setting up my Galumphalot trap outside.

Me: I-I don't think you'd want to trap it. Their barbed wire teeth could chew them free.

Orange: Don't worry, my trap is one hundred percent Galumphalot-proof.

Me: [whispers] I hope so, because I read the story, and they are not pleasant creatures...!

Orange: [whispers] Right...?! I'm not insane...!

We knock at Lemon's door, and she opens up with a huge smile on her face.

Lemon: Guys, you made it! Come in, come in!

Orange and I enter the salon where we find that it's berry busy. Blueberry, Plum and Raspberry are already there, giggling and gossiping.

Plum: One day, I saw Blueberry in her store, all by herself, reading a Patti Persimmon book like a movie star. [chuckles] She was so dramatic!

Raspberry: [giggles] Blueberry, why would you do such a thing?

Blueberry: D-don't listen to Plum. She has no idea what she's talking about.

Plum: I have it all on my phone.

Blueberry: [gasps] What?!

Plum shows Raspberry a clip of her as Orange and I take our seats in the salon chairs. I'm in the chair in front of the sink, and Orange is next to me, by the window. Plum is in the middle of Blueberry and Raspberry, across from where I am. Raspberry giggles at the clip of Blueberry reading out loud, but Blueberry keeps her composure.

Blueberry: Whatever, I was merely reciting the book in an appropriate manner. Nothing wrong with that.

From Plum's phone, we hear Blueberry giggling.

Plum's phone: {Patti Persimmon, you're such a beast! Rawr! [giggles] Rawr-rawr! I wish you were real, so we could crack cases together! Just like in my fanfictions! Only less intimate...}

The entire salon is quiet... except for Plum snickering her butt off.

Plum: Oh, that's too good...!

Me: I had no idea you wrote fanfictions, Blueberry.

Blueberry growls and tries to snatch Plum's phone.

Blueberry: Give that to me!

As Blueberry tries to snatch Plum's phone, she dashes around the salon with it. with Blueberry giving chase.

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