A Circle of Friends

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It's a silver locket.

No one has ever given me something of such importance before.

Me: Raspberry...

She sighs.

Raspberry: You hate it, don't you?

Me: No, of course not. But I don't think I deserve something so lovely.

Raspberry: D-don't say stuff like that. You're lovely, Dominic, that's why I gave it to you. Every day, you want to know if you belong here, and to me, I don't think I could imagine Berry Bitty City without you.

I can't help but smile at that.

Me: Seriously?

Raspberry: Yes! I-I know you have a home, and I know you probably miss it, but I'll miss you if you leave, and I might fall into a depression, and I'll never be the same again!

Me: I-it's okay! I'm not planning on leaving so soon anyway!

Raspberry: I don't want you to leave at all, so... please don't!

Me: But I have a family, Raspberry! I can't abandon them!

Raspberry: But what about us?! That pendant means that no matter what, we'll never be apart! What if you go home, and you can't come back here anymore?! Who's gonna be our doctor?!

I hug Raspberry because it's the only way for me to get her to calm down, and it works, because she stops. I think about Raspberry's concerns every day when I'm here. I know I might not be able to come back if I leave. I know everything I've built will crumble. Leaving Berry Bitty City forever would be the worst decision of my life.

Me: Okay... I'm not gonna leave...

Raspberry: Thank you, Dominic... Thank you so much...

I only said I wasn't going to leave to make Raspberry feel better. But to tell you the truth, I have no idea what's going to happen to me. When I wake up every morning, and I'm in Berry Bitty City, I have to pinch myself or splash my face with water to make sure I'm not dreaming. It's all due to my paranoia that this really is all one big dream, and I'll wake up to a nightmare.

N-now, with that out of the way, we can continue with our scheduled episode!



Ah, this episode! I have been waiting for this episode for days! Weeks, even! For those who follow the Berry Bitty Adventure lore, you'll know that this episode is important for two reasons.

One, we get a glimpse of the Berry Bitty City lore, about how First Frost came to be and why we celebrate it.

Second, it's got one of my favorite things: Arguments.

A show like this rarely has characters arguing with each other, because we're pleasant that way. But getting to experience them duking each other out with their words is fun. Not in a mean sense, but it's humorous to watch them go at it. It all starts with Raspberry accusing Lemon of copying her drawing, and from there, it all spirals down.

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