Fish Out Of Water

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I wish this party didn't have to end, but it's berry late, and I need my goodnight's sleep. After saying their goodbyes, Blueberry, Plum, Orange, Lemon and Raspberry went home, leaving me with Strawberry. Putting some dishes in the sink, Strawberry looks at me as I walk up to her.

Strawberry: What's up?

Me: So... I don't really have anywhere to go.

Strawberry: Oh, that's right.

I lie back on the berry comfortable strawberry sofa.

Me: I'll just sleep on this. It's comfy enough.

But Strawberry shakes her head.

Strawberry: No, that won't do at all. I can't have you sleep on the sofa. Why don't we have a sleepover?

Me: You mean... in your room?

Strawberry: What's the matter? You've been in my room before.

Me: And I still feel dirty about it.

She yawns.

Strawberry: Come on, Dominic, it's too late to argue about this...

I start to yawn too, and Strawberry is right. It is far too late to argue.

Me: Alright... 

Strawberry: Thank you... Now... Can you help me close up the cafe...?

Me: Sure... It's the least I can do...

I get up and Strawberry hands me a broom.

Strawberry: Here, I'll go get into my PJs... Could you sweep...?

Me: Of course...

Strawberry: Thanks...

She heads upstairs and I start to sweep from one end to the cafe to the other. I pick up a lot of dirt and use a dustpan to toss it outside. I also take the liberty of turning the OPEN signs so they say CLOSED. Through all of this, I cannot keep my mind off of the fact that I'll be having a sleepover with Strawberry Shortcake. This is absolutely unreal; I have to be dreaming.

I see Strawberry heading downstairs, in her strawberry pajamas, and she looks around, satisfied with my work.

Strawberry: Thank you so much, Dominic... This looks amazing... Now, let's get some sleep, huh...?

Me: Okay... I still feel awkward about this...

Strawberry: You don't need to be...

I follow Strawberry upstairs and find a sleeping bag resting next to her bed. I take a deep sigh of relief because Strawberry must have realized why I was so anxious about the sleepover. We both tuck ourselves in and I can't help but feel that... THIS IS SO AWKWARD!

Me: Uh...

I get on my knees and face Strawberry who is all snug in her bed. She looks at me with a weary smile.

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