The Berry Best Choice

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I have not forgotten about what happened yesterday. My mind wouldn't let me, all throughout the night. The words keep repeating in my head.

"You're not the only one with a crush, you know..."

I don't know how I'm going to break it to her. Rejecting Strawberry is going to suck. I have no idea what she's thinking, but I bet she's as stressed, if not more. But the most important thing here is that she doesn't hate me. It takes a lot to get that girl to hate anything, but in any case, I have to be smart about how I approach her.

Me: Just speak from the heart... Be natural...

And it's not like I can confide in the other girls to vouch for me. I know they couldn't keep a secret if their lives depended on it. That's why we've never thrown any surprise parties.

I have not left my clinic at all this morning, which might leave the girls concerned, because that's how they are. I'm stuck in my room, afraid to face the real world right now. Well, it's not the real world, but you get what I'm saying. I hear a knock at my door and sigh. I can't hide in my room forever, even if I wanted to. So I drag my feet down the stairs and stop at the door. I take a deep breath, calm myself down, and open.

My anxiety returns.

Strawberry: Good morning, Coconut.

Strawberry doesn't seem to be stressed at all. She sees me all stressed, though.

Strawberry: Oh my, are you okay?

Me: I just couldn't stop thinking about the festival...

Strawberry: [sighs] That's why I came over, actually.

Me: Really?

Strawberry: May I come in?

Me: Why not?

She enters my clinic.

Me: Have a seat. The doctor will be with you momentarily.

Strawberry giggles as she sits at a waiting area I recently had installed. It's, you guessed it, coconut-themed. I put on my doctor's coat and bring Strawberry to the treatment table.

Me: I'm nervous.

Strawberry: So am I. I couldn't sleep at all last night, I was thinking so much.

Me: You too?

Strawberry: [smiles] Guess so. But it's okay. I drank an entire pitcher of coffee, so I should be good for the next year and a half.

Me: [chuckles] I'm glad you're able to stay optimistic.

Strawberry: Why aren't you?

Me: The same reason you shouldn't be. What if I say something that might damage our friendship? I don't want you to hate me forever.

Strawberry: What makes you think I'd ever hate you? Quite the opposite, actually. I... really like you.

Me: I know, but... this whole thing is messing me up.

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