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In the air, King Vorthrax surveys the Berrykins going about their daily lives, singing their song while making sure the work is done. The Berrykins are using their berry sparkles to change the color of the berries. Then, they fall off their stems for the Berrykins to collect. But King Vorthrax doesn't like the Berrykins working, at all. He swoops down and slams his fist against the ground. This destroys all the plants in the area, and turns it into another wasteland. The Berrykins are horrified and try to flee, but King Vorthrax doesn't let them.

King Vorthrax: Where are you running off to, weaklings? There's no one who's dumb enough to save you.

Magenta stands as brave as they can be. They are the only one, though.

Magenta: W-we don't need saving! Get lost! You caused enough damage!

King Vorthrax: Not quite enough. For you see, I still have one thing on my agenda. To destroy Berry Bitty City.

Magenta: As if we'd ever let ya do that!

King Vorthrax: Well, I just need to get my army back, and all will be swell... for me! But before I can do that, I need to send a message, through torment!

Magenta: You won't get away with it! We've beaten you before, you meddling pile of thorns, and don't you forget that!

King Vorthrax: [groans] Who cares?! You've annoyed me too much with your lameness!

Magenta: And your insults are still garbage!

King Vorthrax growls and levitates every single Berrykin. He spreads his arms out, sending them flying in every direction. But King Vorthrax isn't finished.

King Vorthrax: Time to see what else I can ruin!

And with that, he thunders away.


I am on a mission with Raspberry. We are out, far from Berry Bitty City, trying to collect some petals for Raspberry's latest perfume. The spot we're at is a wide open space with flowers and berries galore. Raspberry is using a pair of scissors to cut the petals. Well, that's what she did in the episode. Here, I have volunteered to cut the flowers. All Raspberry has to do is tell me which ones to cut and how much.

Me: What are you going to use your perfumes for?

Raspberry: Well, Dominic, this perfume is for my spring fashion line. These flowers are berry much in fashion this season, so make sure to get as much as you can. I want to take some petals home, so we won't have to travel so far again.

Me: You can count on me, Raspberry.

Raspberry: Great! Now get snipping!

Then, Strawberry shows up on her scooter.

Strawberry: Good morning, Raspberry! Good morning, Coconut!

Raspberry: Hi, Strawberry!

Me: Good morning!

Strawberry: It's a fine morning to enjoy the flowers.

Raspberry: Oh, well, I'm not just enjoying them. I'm going to make a new perfume with pieces of the petals.

Me: But first, we actually need the petals.

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