Too Cool For Rules

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I'm explaining to Huck the events of the previous episode, while sitting on his bed, and he is as blown away as I'd hoped. Unfortunately, Kadie and Sadie weren't around, but it's okay. I'll tell them the story when I see them again, which I hope is soon.

Huck: Wow, Dominic, I can't believe that actually happened! Sounds like something you'd read in a fantasy book!

Me: It does, doesn't it? But, the good thing is, we're gonna be safe for a long time. No more evil thorny dudes to ruin our lives.

Huck: That's a relief. I'm so happy for you. I can't imagine what it was like for those poor girls. And you said they were chained up?

Me: By their arms and legs.

Huck: They have my condolences. I wish I could've been there to show my support.

Me: Why don't you? Berry Bitty City is just a bike ride away.

Huck sighs and I know he's still a bit anxious.

Me: Really? We took care of the cricket problem a long time ago.

Huck: I-I know, I'm sorry, Dominic. But I still have this lingering feeling inside me. I want to go with you. I want to do all these things, but I'm afraid I'm gonna come across something like the cricket again.

Me: You won't, I promise. I'll be with you the whole time.

Huck sighs and bangs his head against the door.

Huck: Fine! I'll go!

Me: Really?

Huck: Yes, now hurry up before I regret it!

I cheer as I drag Huck outside, where my new and improved coconut-cycle is. It is as sleek as I hoped it'd be.

Me: Alright, Huck, get on!

I get on the bike first, putting on my helmet, and Huck gets on, holding onto me. I realize how iffy this might look to some passers-by, but if it'll get Huck to gain some confidence, I'll do anything.

I start up the bike and head off, and Huck doesn't say or do anything, except cling onto me, to make sure he doesn't fly off. We reach the area where Scorn demolished that bridge, but since that time and now, it has been replaced with a sturdier bridge. And it's when my motorcycle is on the bridge that Huck screams.

Huck: Nope!

He scrambles off the bike and races to the other side, leaving me frustrated. But I can't get mad at him, because I'd feel this scared too if I was him.

Me: Huck, what's wrong?

Huck: That motorcycle is too heavy! It's gonna cause the bridge to collapse!

I bring the coconut-cycle to where Huck is and take off my helmet.

Me: Huck, nothing's going to happen.

Huck: And nothing will, if we stay here!

I feel so upset that Huck has backed out so soon.

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