3: Ava Valentine Who?

Start from the beginning

“That's vague directions. Seriously I'm not kidding where's the freakin' counter.” I sighed, getting a bit annoyed.

“Is this an employment test? If so, am I failing?” she asked. Then she gasped, “you're blind! Oh my God! I'm so sorry! I didn't know!” I heard her say a bit muffled, having covered her face with her hands.

“It's okay. Seriously,” I said, reaching out, looking for her shoulder to pat. I found it.

Yep. Defiantly a girl. “Sorry.” I giggled.

“Its okay. Hey I'm Sage. If you need anything, just holler.” she said

“Literally?” I asked sincerely.

Sage laughed. “No not really. But I work here so do you want anything?”

“Damn girl, you get straight to the point.”

“Well that's what we do in business.”

We giggled.

“Well do you have a cookie? Preferably, chocolate chip,” I continued on.

“Actually, yes we do have some. But. . .” she trailed off.

“Don't worry. Here.” I fumbled for a minute, looking for Mother's credit card. I doubt she'd notice a few dollars missing. I gave it to here for my cookie.

“You should sit. You look tired,” Sage said as she gently led me away from the door. I stiffened at her touch. I'm not one for touching, and I had major trust issues.

You just gave her your credit card for a dumb cookie, dumbass.

“It's okay. I'm not leading you to your death,” she said softly.

I sat down slowly. Comfy booth.

“I was just about to leave for home, but I think I could take a few minutes to get you a cookie.” Then I heard her walk off.

It was warm in here. And smelled great. And I already met someone here who was nice. It took me 32,504 paces from the home to find Sage. Not to shabby.

Like I said, it was warm in here so I took off my jacket, only to feel a bit. . . open and self conscious. All I wore was a thin sweater, jeans, and Doc Martins. I fingered my necklace nervously. I loved this necklace. It was my eye. Well, that's what I say. It was a good luck charm really. It was pretty much just a simple silver (real of course) chain with a small onyx crescent moon pendant.

“Here you go.” Sage said, putting that choclolatey delight on the table in front of me. And the credit card. I dug in. And yes it was good. “So I didn't catch your name.”

“Ava,” I said.

“ Really? That's a pretty name. Exotic. But I thought it was Sheila Valentine. Isn't she that rich lady? The Valentine's donated to my school a couple years ago. And I met her. And you don't look anything like her, so why do you have her credit card?” she babbled.

If I told her who I was, she'd probably laugh. Say I was lying and a robber for stealing Sheila Valentine's, the Sheila Valentine's, credit card. “I'm Sheila's daughter. She and father thinks that if anyone knows about me that they'd be disgraced to have a blind child.”

She was silent. “Well, I actually believe you. Sheila seemed like the type to worry more about her reputation. So did Archer.”

I looked in her general direction confused. “You seriously believe me?”

She nodded. “Yeah. Actually, you have your moms hair color. But yours is way prettier. But what color are your eyes?”

I shook my head, “I don't know. My dad said they'd be blue, like his.”

She was silent. I finished up my cookie. “Well I should be going.” I put on my jacket started to stand but her hand was suddenly holding me back. “Please, let me take you home. I could be a guide. Your eyes, really.”

“You'll actually help me?” I asked suspiciously.

“Yeah. It just seems I should. Besides, I have a few more questions,” she said, leading me to the door with her arm hooked into mine.

I sighed, “okay. But I'm going to warn you. Any move I don't like, I'll take you down.”

She laughed, “I'd like to see you try Miss Valentine.”

I smiled. “Right.”

The rain had stopped, but the streets were still wet and slippery and smelled of, well, a wet city.

I stiffened, “you do know where the Valentine Mansion is, right?”

“Of course! Who doesn't? Dang girl, you must really be the Valentines' kid.”

I groaned, “great. Make me feel stupid.”

“No! That's not what I meant. I meant like, never mind.” she sighed

“It's okay. Wanna here something?” I asked


“This is the first time ever that I've been out of the mansion. I've been locked up there since, well, forever,” I said.

“Well,” Sage said as she maneuvered us through the streams of people, “at least you must have a nice place to live. I live in a dingy apartment downtown. But you must be sick of it, being cooped up in there for what, 15? 16 years?”

“16.” I said

“Me too!” she squealed.

“So what about you?” I asked.

“What about me?”

“Do take certain classes at school? Why do you work at the Corner Bakery? And do you have a boyfriend?” It came out in a rush. It was just exciting to talk to another girl besides Julia, and is my age!

“Whoa! Too many questions! Okay but I do take choir, art, and I'm pro at math. And I need money for this awesome dress I want to wear at the school dance. But I don't have enough so I put it on hold and I'm working on the money. Oh and I had a boyfriend.”

“Is the dress nice?” was all I asked.

“Out of all that, you got the dress.” she said with, what sounds like, a grin.

I shook my head, “I hate dresses.”

“Well then yes, it is. It's my dream dress.”

We continued shooting questions at each other. Well, until we got to my place.

“We should hang out sometime. I mean, if you could escape again,” she said.

“I agree. Tomorrow my parents are going to some opera. We could hang out then?”

“Sure! I could pick you up at. . .”

“I'll call.” I said.

We exchanged numbers then went on to our separate ways.


Once I was safe in my room, I was exhausted. I collapsed into my bed, not even changing into some comfy pjs, and drifted off to sleep.

I had a friend. A real friend.

Dear readers,

Im excited for Ava and the best is yet to come. Just wait. And this is only the beginning. . .

P.S.- as I was writing this chapter, i was eating a cheesy quesadilla that i mad with my own blood, sweat, and tears.

Yum. Blood, sweat, tears, and cheese :D

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