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"Good afternoon, Manuel. My name is Officer Gabriel." The officer said. I nodded. "Do you know why you are here today?" He asked. "No, not exactly." I said. I only knew a little, but I wanted the full explanation. "You are here today because someone reported a video of people allegedly raping you." He said. "Okay." I said. I thought there was more, but perhaps not. "First question, did you know about the video before now?" Officer Gabriel said. "Yes." I said.

"Okay. How did you find it?" He asked. "Someone sent it to me." I said. "Alright. Do you still have the number on your phone?" He asked. "Yes." I said. "Let me see it." He said. I didn't   want to get the boys in trouble. "Okay..." I said nervously. I showed him the number. He wrote it down. "Okay." He said.

"Were you aware of the videotaping when you were getting raped?" He asked. "Near the end I did. I didn't know they taped the whole thing." I said. "Do you know if anyone else saw this video?" Officer Gabriel said. "Yeah, my whole school probably saw it. They sent it to a school group chat." I said. "Okay. Do you know who these people are?" The cop asked. I didn't want to cause more trouble. But they would figure it out. But then they would kill me. And my mom will find me dead on the floor. I spaced out. "Manuel?" He asked. I stopped spacing out.

"Are you alright?" Officer Gabriel asked. "Yeah, sorry. Yes, I know who some of them are." I said. "Okay. Can you tell me who they are?" He said. "Adrian, Axel, Mason, Owen, and I don't know the rest." I said. "Okay. Did this happen more than once?" He asked. "Yes." I said. "Alright, that's all I need. Thank you for your time, Mr. Garcia." He said. "You're welcome." I said.

Everything is happening too fast. The trial is in less than 2 weeks. What am I going to say? My father raped me since I was 6? Nobody would believe me. You know what they say, boys can't get raped. It's impossible. I probably liked it. I mean, I moaned, right? That means I liked it, right?

When I got home, I went straight to bed and went on my phone. Everything was okay for now.


It was time to go to court. My mom was constantly asking if I was okay and that I could stop.

"I'm fine, mom." I reassured her. "Are you sure, sweetie? I'm worried about you. Ever since you know..." she said. I knew what she was talking about. I stayed quiet about that for a little bit. I tried to change the subject. "Oh! We are going to be late! Get in the car, Manuel." My mom said..

I was in the court. I was terrified. I wasn't even paying attention. I was asked to say something up on the little table with the microphone. The lawyer was asking me questions. Uncomfortable ones. Ones I didn't want to answer. I looked at my dad. He was smiling. Then came one question that I shouldn't have answered. "Isn't true that your brother raped one of your friends?" The lawyer asked. "Yes, that is correct." I said. "And you visited him in juvenile less than 2 weeks ago?" She continued.

"Correct." I said. "Didn't you also visit your father later that day?" The lawyer asked. "Yes." I said with a guilty look. "If your father tortured you THAT much, then why would you visit him?" The lawyer continued. I knew the reason why, but I couldn't get it out of my mouth. "I-I'm not sure." I said. "No further questions, Your Honor." The lawyer said. I was disappointed. Why couldn't it just come out of my mouth? My friends were there to watch me. Zach had to testify as a witness.

"What did you witness?" The lawyer asked. "I witnessed Mr. Rodriguez groping and inappropriately touching Manuel Garcia." Zach said. "What was the date, time, and duration of the incident?" The lawyer asked. "The date was March 25 of this year, it was about 7-8 PM, and the duration of the incident was about 20-25 minutes." Zach said. "Where did it happen?" The lawyer asked. "Side of Lynn Cafe." Zach said. "Isn't it true that you saved Manuel Garcia from being held hostage by Mr. Alejandro Rodriguez?" The lawyer said. "Yes." Zach said. "And you even offered him to go somewhere else?" The lawyer said.

"Correct." Zach said. "Aren't you the friend that Mr. Garcia's brother raped?" The lawyer asked. "Yes..." Zach said. "And isn't it true that you were upset with Mr. Garcia because he had talked to your rapist?" The lawyer asked. "Yes." Zach said. "Isn't it true that event happened during Mr. Garcia's party?" The lawyer asked.

"Objection, Judge! That is irrelevant." My lawyer said. "Objection sustained." The judge said. "No further questions, Your Honor." The lawyer said.

Now it was time for my dad to be examined. "Mr. Rodriguez, isn't it true that you saw your son in the parking lot of Side of Lynn Cafe on the night of March 25?" My lawyer said. "Yes, that is correct." My father said. "Isn't it true that you said that he should stay with you?" My lawyer said. "Yes." My father said. "Isn't it true that you groped him that night in the parking lot?" My lawyer asked. "No." He lied. "No?" My lawyer said. "Nope. He is lying." My dad said. "Isn't it true that there is a video going around of you raping Mr. Garcia?" My lawyer said.

"Yes." My dad said. "He was asking for it. He wanted it." He said. I didn't want it. Everyone in the courtroom gasped or had a surprised look on their faces. "If he wanted it, why was he crying and begging you to stop in the video?" My lawyer asked. "I'm not sure." My dad said. "No further questions, Your Honor."

That was the end of the first day of trial.

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