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Manuel sees Nadiya and another boy. "Manuel, why don't we just go..." I said. "No, it's okay." Manuel said. "Fuck her." he continues. "Let's order takeout." I said. "Nah, let's dine in." He said. "Okay..." I said suspiciously.

Once we are done ordering, I saw Manuel looking at Nadiya and her new man. "Dude, give it a break." I said. "What? I am giving it a break — WHAT THE FUCK?!" Manuel yelled. "Manuel calm down... oh damn they are getting into it." I said, watching Nadiya and this mysterious boy make out. The waitress came with our food. Manuel is so angry that tears started pouring from his eyes. "Manuel, it's okay." I said. He started to get heated, but not at Nadiya. He was getting mad at ME. "It's okay? When you wanted to kill yourself, I didn't just say "it's okay" I ACTUALLY FUCKING CHECKED UP ON YOU! YOU ARE A BITCH!" He yelled. That caught everyone's attention, even Nadiya, who was shocked that we were there. "IM A BITCH? DIDN'T I JUST SAVE YOU FROM GETTING RAPED BY YOUR OWN FATHER? THAT WAS HORRIBLE AT BEING A FATHER TO YOU?" I quickly realized what I have said.

"Why would you say that..." Manuel said. "I didn't mean it...you know that." I said nervously. "Now everybody knows, Zach!" He said. "Everybody knows..." Manuel continued. He started panicking and running to the parking lot. I followed him so I could apologize correctly. Nadiya followed right behind us with her new fuckboy.

"Manuel! Wait please!" I yelled. "What do you want from me? You ruined my whole reputation! At a place with people that know me from school? Now I'm not a popular boy that even the teachers know. I'm now the boy who got raped by my own biological father. I should have stayed quiet. I should have just stayed with my father." Manuel said. "TO DO WHAT?" I yelled. "TO MAKE THINGS WORSE?" I continued. "That's the only solution. Right?" Manuel replied. I stared at him as he unlocked his car. "Later, Z. Later, Nadiya and her new boyfriend." He said as I turned to look at Nadiya angrily. Nadiya looked guilty.

I watched Manuel drive away. "What did you do?!" Nadiya said. "What did I do? WHAT DID YOU DO?" I yelled. "Hey! Don't fucking speak to her like that." I turned around to see who it was. It was Max. "Why would you make out with your ex-boyfriend's brother, Nadiya?" I asked. "I don't know, okay! He treats me better." She said. "Do you know what he did to me?" I said as I started to tear up. "He's fake! He's a rapist. He's a fucking BITCH! You shouldn't trust him." I said. "That's not true. You liar! You only want me to believe you so I can break up with him!" Nadiya said. Max smirked at me.

I looked at Nadiya while bawling my eyes out. "You believe him..over me?" I asked. Max grabbed me. That touch made my brain replay all the moments at the party in my head again. "Leave her alone." Max said, while still touching me. He let go of my arm and pushed me. "Babe, go back into the restaurant. Me and him have to talk a little bit." Max said to Nadiya. I couldn't say anything because of how shocked I was.

As soon as Nadiya walked into the restaurant, Max stared at me. "Told you, nobody will believe you." He said. I couldn't look at him in the eyes. "Come on, look at me in the eyes. You did it when you kissed me." He said. "You kissed me, I didn't kiss you." I muttered under my breath. "What was that? I need you to be loud like you were last night at the party." He said. Why would he even make a joke like that? He chuckled. "You're going to keep quiet or else I'll do the same thing to Manuel." He threatened. I nodded. I was scared "Nice talking, strong jock." Max said as he patted my shoulder.

I had to walk home. My phone vibrated.

New gc made by Ben
B: hey guys ik it's late lol but wanna meet up?
N: can't lol with my new boyfriend
W: another one already? damn
Z: she's dating Manuel's brother now...what a bitch
M: Zach, don't start with that shit. Let her make her choices
B: yeah Zach
M: you already made things worse for me, don't make it even worse
W: what's happening
N: I don't need you to defend me Manuel
M: sorry I guess
N: "sorry" my fucking ass
M: okay
B: so are we going to meet up or
W: shut up Ben
Z: I'll go
B: okay, what about you, Manuel? We are going to Lynnside beach
M: im already there, so just come here

Lynnside beach is just a few blocks away, so I decided to head over there. I could already see Manuel over there leaning on his car.

When I walked closer to him, I could see that he was smoking a cigarette. Me and him may not be on good terms but I'm not going to let him get lung cancer. I took the cigarette and stomped on it. "What the fuck dude? Why can't you just leave me alone?" Manuel said. "No, I rather you not die from lung cancer." I said. "It would be great to die from anything." Manuel muttered under his breath. "What was that?" I asked. "Nothing, here comes Ben and Walton." He said. "Hey guys!" Ben said. "Hi, Ben." Manuel said. "Why so blue?" Ben asked. "No reason, why did you want to meet up?" Manuel said.

"I wanted to talk about how you guys are falling apart slowly." Ben said. "I'm not falling apart, Ben." Manuel said. "Are you sure? Nadiya told us everything that happened at the restaurant earlier." Ben said. "YES BEN! I'M FINE." Manuel yelled. "I'm fine.." he said. "No you're not. I think you need a therapist." I said. "How would you know, Zacharie?" Manuel said angrily.

"You know what, Manuel? Fuck off. Don't talk to me until you get your act together. You are acting like a fucking bitch right now. I actually understand Nadiya now. You don't want help. Whenever you are offered help, you refuse. So I'm done trying to help you. I'm always the one that has to say sorry at the end. You are so selfish, you don't give a flying fuck about other people. You want to kill yourself? Go ahead. Just remember who was there for you. Who was by your side every time? Who would stop doing something important just to help you? So the next time you want help, find someone else. I'm fucking done with your shit. I hope people see that you are truly a careless, selfish fuckboy. Don't call me. Don't text me. Don't email me. Goodbye, Manuel." I said. Geez, that was a lot to say.

Manuel looked so shocked. Did he expect me to be his minion or something? Ben and Walton also looked shocked. Manuel looked so scared and sad that I even started to feel bad about what I said. But I didn't let that stop me. This is the first time I actually saw Manuel cry so hard.

"You're right, Zach. I'm sorry. I was going to tell you earlier that I have to stay at my dad's for a while. My mom agreed, even after all the things he did to me and her. She said that a man needed his father the most, but I'm more like a mama's boy. I'll still be at school. Feel free to talk to me, or avoid me, do whatever you want. I don't want you to feel like I'm your king or whatever. Sorry. Forgive me or not, I still love you as a friend of mine. Sorry again. I have to go." Manuel said.

I'm not gonna lie, I did shed a tear or two. But I still had to get out of here. If I keep seeing Manuel, then I would eventually forgive him and I'm not ready to forgive him right now. I looked back at Manuel. He just smiled at me.

School's going to be a pain.

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