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Thursday (tomorrow is the party!)

Manuel is back. I ran up to him to ask about his girlfriend and why she was avoiding me.
"Maybe she is on her lady days, you never know how these girls switch up easily." Manuel said, hoping to give me some girl advice.
"Thanks dipshit, but she also rolled her eyes and went with her friends, don't forget that." I said.
"Anyways, do you want to hang out today? I'm not doing anything today." Manuel asked. I just go home to the same drunk and definitely not nice dad, so I agreed.

Manuel waited for me at the lockers, since we have a class together. I saw the dent that was left by Manuel's brother. I realized that I didn't even know his name. "Hey Manuel, what's your brother's name?" I asked. "Max" he replied. Max. What a whitewashed name.

Classes are over. I had nobody to hang out with. Manuel ditched because he and Nadiya were having a romantic date. Manuel offered me to third wheel, but Nadiya looked at him and he just said to forget it. Why are people mad at me? I did not do anything wrong. Maybe instead of hanging out, I should use my free time to think.

You know that lunch money Walton gave to me before our fight? Yeah I never used that for lunch. I had $86.25 on me. I saved up, Walton wouldn't give anyone that much money for lunch.  I decided to go to Side of Lynn Cafe, the local restaurant/coffee shop that almost every Lynnside High School student goes to.

You know, to fit in since I felt like an outcast.

Honestly, some people think I am just a careless jock that has an "idgaf attitude" and I'm so fucking sick and tired of it. I lost almost all my friends because of one rumor. I had some not so close friends, but they have no real interest in me and they have closer friends to hang out with. My tears went from just a little cry to literally sobbing.

All of a sudden I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was the waitress. "If you don't order something, I am going to have to kick you out sir." she said. "I'll just take a dark roast extra caffeine so I can overdose and die in peace." I said, realizing the other part wasn't supposed to slip out of my mouth. "Sir, unfortunately that is illegal and we can't do that. Would you like just a normal dark roast coffee instead?" the waitress said, lacking sympathy for my weird way of expressing suicidal thoughts. "Yes, thank you." I said. I think I said that too loud, because right when I sat down, a crowd of laughs came from behind me.

"We got that on tape! We can show everyone how much of a loser he is! Wait until Walton sees this, he will love it! The whole school is going to see that their nice and confident jock isn't what he says he is." I heard from behind. I couldn't take it anymore. I started sobbing loudly and hysterically. Why is my life so difficult? Why do people hate me? Why can't anybody listen to my side of the story? The waitress came with my coffee. She sees me crying. I spot her and try to hide my face. "Just leave it there, here is a tip for nice customer service." I said as I put $2 on the table.

I grabbed the drink and tried to leave. "Wait, stay there for just a minute please." the waitress cried. She came back with a mini strawberry shortcake and 2 chocolate chip cookies. "I understand you and I know you will be crying a lot today. Desserts don't help much, but it's nice to taste something sweet while being sad." she said, this time with sympathy and empathy. "It's on me." she continued. "Thank you, please have a wonderful day." I said. I turn around to leave the building.

I walked all the way to the Golden Gate Bridge. No, I wasn't going to commit suicide. I just needed to think. My phone vibrated in my pocket.

Are you fucking serious?! Shit.

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