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I was left on the floor. He didn't turn back. I didn't see him again at the airport. Why can't they just leave me alone? Are they stalking me? I thought he would stay because he is on a flight. It's not like I could do anything anyway.

20 minutes later and I was still on the floor. I couldn't get up. I didn't have the motivation to get up. I just laid there, hoping someone will succeed in helping me. I got a call from my mom. She was panicking. "Where are you?" She asked. I was mad. "Why? Why now, mom? Did you just notice? Did you just notice that your mentally ill son is no where near you? Did you ever think that maybe just MAYBE something will happen to your beloved son?" I said.

"Please, baby. I'm sorry let's talk about this. We can cancel the flight. Please, where are you?" My mom said. "I'm in an unknown room near the bathroom." I replied. "Okay. I'll be there in 3 minutes." She said. I hung up the phone. No goodbye or anything. I didn't feel like saying goodbye to my mom.

She found me. She looked very guilty. She sat down on the floor with me. "We have our flight in 3 and a half hours." She said. I just nodded. She caressed my cheek. "Oh baby. I'm so sorry." She said. I just nodded again. I didn't know what to say to her. This is constantly happening now. I don't even know if I want to go to New York anymore.

"Please baby, talk to me. Tell me how you feel." She said. Is she being serious? "Talk to me? No because it's funny how I was BEGGING you just to say a word to me but you ignored me throughout." I said with confidence. "Are you okay? Did something happen? You don't usually talk this way." She said. "Yeah mom, I'm fine." I said.

"Tell me what happened. Now." My mom said. "Nothing happened, ma. I'm hungry." I lied. I wasn't hungry at all. "Don't try to change the subject, young man." She said. "Can we just go?" I said while trying to get up and leave. "No. Tell me what happened. Now." She demanded. "Nothing happened! I was just mad at you for ignoring me." I lied again. I wasn't really mad at her, I was just sad.

"Tell me the truth." She said. Did she know I was lying? I just looked at her. She shook me. "Tell me what's going on, please!" My mom said. I felt overwhelmed so I blurted the real answer out. "I was forced to give a blowjob, okay?" I said. My mom looked shocked. She always does. "That's it, we are cancelling the flight. You need to see Dr. Olivera." She said. "No! Don't cancel the flight because of me. I'm fine." I said.

"No! It's always those words. "I'm fine." You are not fine! You are sick! You need help, Manuel." She said. "Mom, how about this. I could drive home using your car and you can go. Just cancel my flight. I don't want you to not go because of me." I said. "No, you'll go crazy!" She said. "Mom, I will be fine. Don't worry. You should get a break from me." I reassured. "How will I know that you won't get hurt again? How will I know you are going to your therapist?" My mom asked.

"Mom, you can trust me. Please, go to New York City." I said. My mom sighed. "Okay. But call me when you get home. And call me whenever something bad happens. And I'll call you every 3 hours." My mom said. We just laughed. My mom got up and gave me the car keys. "Be safe!" My mom said before going. "Yep! Enjoy your trip!" I yelled out. "Bye baby!" She yelled back.

I sighed. I had to get up and get home as soon as possible.

Finally, I was home. I was starting to unpack all my stuff. My phone was ringing. "Hey baby! Are you home?" She asked. "Yeah, ma." I said. "Okay, just making sure. My flight is in an hour." She said. "Okay." I said. "I called Dr. Olivera. He is expecting you in an hour." She said. "What? Why did you call him?" I asked. "Just to check up on you since you know.." she said. "Oh, okay. I'll be there I guess." I said. "Thanks baby. Don't skip! I will know!" She said. "Okay, bye mama." I said. "Bye." She replied.

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