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I got this text from Manuel, one of my friends who ARE NOT in my bully group. He's more of a popular playboy.
M: wanna come over for a party next week?
I thought about it. I usually ditched parties but I am a junior, so I better enjoy the rest of high school as long as I can.
Z: sure, i will go.
M: Bet, it's next Friday starting at 6:30, you know my address.
Z: okay
M: hope to see you there, don't ditch.
Z: I won't this time
My first high school party since freshman year. How exciting.

     Next school day (Monday, 4 days till the party)

Finally, I never thought I'd say this but I missed school. The weekend was so boring, I wished that the party would start already. I was stuck practicing football with my cousin since he has a game on Friday, which I may use as an excuse NOT to go to the party if I don't feel like going anymore.

I arrived at school, and I looked for Walton. Today my Dad actually remembered about my lunch money. Suddenly, I hear someone get slammed on the lockers. It's the same boy from Friday. He looks around and spots me, looking angry.

What the hell did I do? If anything he should be mad at the people who beat him up. He looked desperate, acting like I cared for him. I didn't know him, so might as well mind my own business. I walked past him and didn't even realize that he is slammed into MY locker. It left a dent, but I couldn't care less. I waited until the guy, which I actually don't know, finished him off and left him on the ground, right in front of me.

I got my books for class and was about to leave until I heard a voice.
"Why won't you help me?" the guy on the ground said.
"Because I'm minding my own business, and also because I couldn't care less." I said with confidence.
I passed him and started heading into Advanced Mathematics.

Finally, I am done with that living hell. Time for chemistry, one of my favorite classes. I walked into class and looked for my seat. A sticky note was stuck on my desk. I read it and it says "Bully" Oh my gosh I am soooo hurt. I just crumbled up the note and threw it in the trash. I paid attention to my chemistry teacher and suddenly I looked over and saw the same boy that has been beaten up in front of my locker. He's already staring at me, so why not finish off the challenge. Finally, he stopped staring and "does his work".
"Zach! Pay attention please." the chemistry teacher said.
That little brat, he made me get called out in front of the class.

Done with chemistry, now time for lunch. Maybe I could look for Walton there since I didn't see him at all today.

I walked inside the cafeteria and I saw Walton, finally.
"Hey Walton, where were you today dude?" I said with a bit of excitement. He just looked at me and started talking to one of the people in our bully group.
"Walton? Why are you ignoring me?" I asked with confusion and anger. Silence fills the room. I think I said that a little too loud.

"You know what you did, don't try to act all victim." he said.
My mind filled with confusion.
"What do you mean? What did I do?" I asked him.
"You snitched on us, that's what you did!" Ben yelled.
"What do you mean? I did not do shit!" I yelled. I looked at Walton.
"You really believe them over me?" I said. He had some guilt on his face.
"How do you even know that I WAS THE ONE who snitched?!" I yelled.
"If you didn't snitch, then why are we all getting called to the principal's office at the end of the day?" Ben said.
"Ben, shut the fuck up! I didn't do shit. I cannot BELIEVE you Walton. You believe them over ME? YOUR CHILDHOOD FRIEND?!" I started to tear up.

"Zach, just please leave. I don't want to talk to you anymore." Walton whispered.
I walked away, livid. I can't believe I lost my friend over a stupid false rumor.

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