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Dad "forgot" to give me lunch money today. I bet he doesn't even use it wisely. He saves up to buy a pack of cigars or maybe a 12 pack of beer. That means that I have to steal from one of the people in those pack of nerds. I love doing that but I am afraid I will be caught.

I arrive to school by walking, my parents won't allow me to go on the bus and they can't afford a bike for me. My parents are always at work. I walk in the school and all I hear is, "Hey Zach!" That's my best friend, Walton.
"What's up, Wally." I said with exhaustion.
"Why so blue?" Walton said with a worried tone. "My dad forgot my lunch money today, so that means I have to steal from one of the nerds." I said with embarrassment.
"Hey, you can save yourself some time and have some of my money. It's on me." Walton said. "Thanks, man. I really do appreciate it." I said. Right after that I hear another voice.

"Hey man, me and the other boys are going to fight someone at lunch today. Want to tag along? You are a bully either way." He said to Walton and I.
Of course, it's Ben. Ben is part of our bully group. I am not THAT type of bully, so I decline. However, Walton agrees.
"Are you sure you want to do this?" I whispered to Walton.
"Yes, have you not seen me beat up someone before?" He said kind of angrily.
Come to think of it, I have seen him fight people, many, many people.
"You should at least come and watch us!" Ben said.
I think about it for a moment. I haven't really seen them fight someone.
"Alright," I said. "As long as I am not in huge trouble."
"Alright, then! Meet us 5:00 sharp at the back of the school, that's where the victim walks." he chuckled.

I am not very excited, but I hope this is interesting.

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