The Ikran roared, turning around and facing Jake with its teeth bared. "Tsakem rä'ä si." Tsu'tey pointed to the Ikran with his bow, watching the hostile nature of it.(Don't do that.) Jake ignored the Male, tilting his head as a challenge. He bared his teeth, his ears pointing back as a hiss escaped him.

The Ikran hissed back, its black teeth barking more as it leaned forward. Its large claws gripped the rock below it. Ka'yi watched the interaction, Jake had found his Ikran, and now all he would need to do is survive long enough to make the bond. Ka'yi smiled, a small happy-like hiss escaping her smile as she rocked slightly from her crouching position in interest.

Jake smiled, knowingly. He tilted his head, a smirk showing off his fangs. "Let's dance." He took deep breaths, swinging the rope in front of him as he watched the Ikran intently. The Ikran widened its stance, fully in front of the Avatar, watching him closely with its beedy yellow eyes. Its tail switched widely around, moving slightly.

Tsu'tey chuckled, pointing to him with his bow as he looked at the other hunters with a smirk. "Tìyerkup skxawng." He chuckled, ignoring the hiss Ka'yi had pointed at him just minutes before. (That moron's going to die.)

The Ikran got low to the ground, watching closely as Jake swung the rope around in a circle. And with quick and strong intent the Ikran struck its head out, barely missing as Jake dodged it with a grunt. His rope quickly wrapped around the mouth of the Ikran. His hands grabbed onto the thick skin.

He jumped on quickly, holding on tightly. His arms wrapped around the neck of the Ikran. The Ikran moved wildly around, jumping up on its hind legs and screeching as it flapped its wings. It moved around widely, getting dangerously close to the edge as jake held on for life, grunting to keep hold.

The hunters whooped, throwing their hands in the air as they watched the scene in front of them. Ka'yi watched from her crouched position, growling to herself at the circumstance, she had thought she taught him to hold the head. Turns out she did, jake grabbed the head, forcing its chin to its neck.

The Ikran kept flapping its wings, though it got away from the edge. Jake grunted, forcing the Ikrans body to the ground. His feet dug into the ground, feeling the way its body moved towards the large edge again, the adrenalin rushing in his body.

"Txopu rä'ä si, tsamsiyu." Tsu'tey shouted over the happy whooping hunters beside him. (Dont be afraid, warrior) Ka'yi hissed, watching as the Ikran grew near to the edge once again, something spiking in her as her tail thrashed behind her. "Make the bond!" She yelled, her voice harsh over all the loud sounds around her.

Jake snapped back, letting go of the head with one hand to grab onto the antenna, the Ikran screeding as he did. Quickly the Ikran's head snapped back, hitting Jake in the face enough to render him dazed. And with a harsh thrust, the Ikran thrusted him off his back and onto the rough rocks.

Jake fell near the edge, his body rolling as he snapped back into consciousness. He grunted, feeling his body leave the solid ground as his hands grabbed widely for something to hold him up. He grabbed onto a root on the side, his body dangling above the sky. Ka'yi rushed forward, hissing at the laughs that came from Tsu'teys mouth.

Though she didn't utter a sound, trusting Jake to have learned something from their lessons. And he did. With a large grunt, he pulled himself up, his muscles straining as he reached solid goring once more. With a rush of adrenaline, he rushed froward, jumping on the neck of the Ikran once more.

One of the hunters shouted loud at the return of Jake, his voice cracking as he did. Jake grabbed onto the neck, pulling back with all his might. "Shahaylu, Jake." Ka'yi hissed, watching as he struggled, her hand hitting the ground in frustration.

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