You'll Always Be My Everything

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My phone goes off and I groan as I reach for it. Assholes. They want us out of the hideaway. I glance at Kiera and she looks so perfect. I hate that I have to wake her. I've never had a night like last night before. It was amazing and I have no idea how my cock is hard this morning. She worked it good. I kiss below her ear until she starts stirring. "Love you," I whisper. I lean back to study her.

"Love you," she smiles at me. She stretches and grimaces. "I'm sore."

"Sorry," I chuckle. I rub her tender nipple, hearing her breath speed up. "I guess it's a good thing we don't have time for sex then. They want us to join the others."

"No," she whines. "I'm so tired."

"We only got a few hours of sleep." I give her a small kiss. "Sleeping with you naked is my new obsession."

"I was too exhausted to enjoy it," she smirks. "I think my vagina needs a rest."

"So I shouldn't kiss it then?" I whisper.

"Maybe a little kiss." I'm not going to turn down this invitation. I toss the covers and move between her legs. I'm gentle as I run my tongue through her folds. "Fuck," she mumbles as my phone goes off again.

I peek up at her. "I think playtime's over."

"Yeah. I need a hot shower anyway. Wanna join me?"


The Villa is quiet as we step into the hall. I'm not sure if everyone is already outside or still sleeping. The hot shower feels good on my sore body. I definitely used muscles I don't typically use last night. I gently wash Kiera and she does the same for me. I love this intimacy. It's moments like this that proves it's more than sex. She loves me.

"What's that cheesy grin for?"

"You love me." I pull her against me, loving the feel of her wet skin next to mine.

"And you love me." She kisses me hard and I feel the heat circling between us. I almost push it further, but she's sore.

"No morning shower sex."

She giggles as her fingers gently glide over my wet cock. "I don't know. You said last night you weren't a machine, but I'm thinking you are. At least this thing is."

"Just because I'm hard doesn't mean it needs to get off. You just turn me on, baby."

"Baby. Hmmm. I really like it when you call me that."

"We're gonna need to sort out these nicknames. We've got too many."

She laughs at that. "You'll always be my Bobbit."

"You'll always be my everything," I whisper before kissing her.

"Bobby," she sighs into the kiss. "You're sweet."

"I know," I wink. "Alright. Let's face the others."

We dry off and secure towels around our bodies before exiting the bathroom. I walk Kiera to her dressing room. Pyria steps out before we get to the door. Kiera suddenly squeals and runs to her. "I have so much to tell you!" Oh no. What does girl talk entail exactly? How much detail is Pyria getting?

"Pyria looks amused. "I can't wait to hear everything. I went to use the loo last night and I heard some screaming."

Kiera blushes. "So that damn room isn't soundproof?"

"Apparently not," Pyria giggles. "I want to know what he did to make you scream though."

I give Pyria a hug and kiss Kiera. "I'll leave you ladies to your girl talk." Part of me wants to know what Kiera has to say about last night, but I'm a little nervous. What if my feet fetish or the ass play was too much? I quickly change and meet the lads at the gym.

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