Fun and Games

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I feel like I'm turning into a proper rugged outdoorsman, sleeping outside all the time. If sleeping on a daybed in paradise can be considered rugged. I slip from bed and quickly get ready for the day. I can hear talking coming from the bedroom, so I head that way. My eyes instantly seek Kiera out. She's sitting up in bed and that ass has his arm around her. She's just sitting there staring at her hands. This mood is so unlike her. Maybe there is hope for me after all. I've clearly gotten in her head.

"Alright losers," I call out. "I'm making pancakes. Who wants to be my sous chef?"

Lottie immediately jumps out of bed. I wanted Kiera but I knew that was a long shot. I'm not letting her ignore me today. Besides the challenge, I gave her space yesterday. I won't force her to talk, but I'll make my presence known today. She can't avoid me forever. At least not while we're trapped in the Villa together.

Lottie has went full witchy with the pancake decorations, which cracks me up. I don't mind since it's not anything weird. Like always, my chest swells with pride, hearing everyone enjoy their food. Except Kiera. She still hasn't come downstairs and I did this for her. I scan the room then flip another pancake.

"Kiera, what would you like on your pancake?" Lottie asks.

My head whips around and my heart strangles in my chest to see her. She's gorgeous and kissing her has haunted me. I need to kiss her again. Soon. It's slowly killing me, not being close to her. "Fresh pancake just for you," I say as I pass Lottie a freshly made stack.

"I'll just have syrup," Kiera says in a quiet voice. Lottie drizzles the syrup in some weird pentagon shape or something, before passing it to Kiera.

I try not to stare, but it's impossible. I miss her. I watch as she moves her fork to her mouth and the pancake disappears between those plush lips. She moans in delight and my dick stirs. "Heard that," I wink at her. She looks flustered. She glances up at me briefly before moving her focus back to her pancakes. I clean up so I can stay close to her and listen to her soft moans as she enjoys my food. Those sounds will be the death of me, especially if I can't touch her soon. She finishes eating and I walk around to grab her plate for her. I lean in and whisper, "You can't ignore me forever, Boo." I watch as goosebumps form on her arms. I'm not sure what caused them exactly. Maybe it was my breath against her ear or me being so close. Either way, I'm taking those tiny little bumps of lust as a really good sign. It's hard to pull away but I return to the sink and clean her dish. I listen as she leaves the room. I'm disappointed but it's expected.

After I finish cleaning, I walk into the hot sun. Kiera looks to be having a deep conversation with Shannon and Chelsea near the pool, so I head down and climb on a float. I can't hear what their saying though. The only sound from them, besides whispering, is Chelsea's squeals. Kiera keeps glancing at me so I close my eyes and just float. I'm really starting to feel optimistic about this. I peek my eyes open and watch her walk towards the kitchen. Shannon heads over to Ibrahim, who just got done with his work out. Chelsea is standing next to the pool giving me a goofy look.

"What?" I ask.

She sits down and dips her legs in. I float closer to her. "I've got the juice for you, boy!" She's so excited, her body looks like it's vibrating with extra energy. "I know who wants to be coupled up with you," she says in a singsong voice.

This captures my interest. "Who?" I manage to ask.

"Nope. I can't say. This is top secret stuff."

"Chels. You can't do this to me. Pretty please tell me," I beg with my lip pouted out.

"Aww. I can't say no to those puppy dog eyes. Kiera," she whispers. Holy shit!

I flounder out of my float and go to the edge of the pool. "Are you serious?"

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