Touching You

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I hear a thud and open my eyes to see somebody moving around the darken room. The light flashes on and Gary makes a dive for his bed. That's odd. He spent the night in the hideaway with Lottie. Why's he sneaking back in here? Lottie was glowing yesterday. Is there already trouble in paradise?

Disappointment hits me when I realize Bobby is already up. Can a girl not get some morning snuggles? What's he doing getting up so early anyway? I need his protection from Hope. I take a chance and peek across the room. Noah and I lock eyes. I give him a small smile but quickly look away before the evil queen at his side catches me. Is there a chance he's picking me today or is he sticking with her? I'm not even sure if I want him to pick me. Everything just seems so confusing. I probably need to check in with Bobby. I need to make sure he isn't ready to reveal his mystery girl. It's not a dumping so it's not as important, but I'll need to make other arrangements if Bobby wants to try it on with someone else.

After my shower, I glam myself up as sexy as I can in faked confidence. As soon as I walk downstairs, the delicious smell of waffles hits me. He remembered! I quickly jog the rest of the way into the kitchen. There, I find Bobby completely in his element; cooking. He has a blue apron on and a headband to keep his hair back. He looks really cute, especially as he's humming and dancing slightly to his own song.

"You remembered?" I voiced my first thoughts aloud.

"Course I did," he gives me his cocky smirk as I bounce with excitement towards him. "I promised. I'm a man of my word, Kiera. I'll never break a promise."

"And thats why you're so amazing." I give him a kiss on his cheek as I plate a fluffy, perfectly golden waffle. I drizzle it with maple syrup and dig in. "My god, man. Is there anything you can't do?"

"Sure. I suck at playing the piano. I rock at everything else though." I laugh at his answer. You never know what's about to come out of him.

I shove another syrupy bite in my mouth. My words are muffled as I talk through my mouth full. "This," I say pointing to my plate with my fork, "has just made my day."

Bobby runs his finger across my bottom lip and then sucks a bit of syrup off of his thumb. I look at him with surprise. That's the second time he's done something like that to me. "Don't talk with food in your mouth. I wouldn't want you to choke." I study him as he moves back across the room. What was that? My thoughts are interrupted as Chelsea comes bounding into the room, full of energy and happiness. She's like the Villa's rainbow. Is she ever not happy?

"Oh breakfast, Bobby! Yum!" She grabs a plate and daintily eats while I continue to shovel this deliciousness down my throat. "Girl," Chelsea says to me, "whats your recoupling plan?"

"Waiting to check on my alliance." Bobby turns and winks but that doesn't tell me if he's picking me or not. "What about you?"

"Oh there's so many boys I like. I'm not sure what I'm hoping for. It's fun though. Just think, we could be snuggling up against the hottest body belonging to the man of our dreams." My mind flashes to Noah but I'm not sure how it would feel cuddling with him. It would definitely be new and different. I'm so comfortable with Bobby, I'd miss being in his bed.

Other islanders filter into the room and send their praise to Bobby as they eat as well. "Let's get our graft on," Chelsea says as she hooks her arm through mine. "Bye, Bobby." She does a little finger wave and he gives her an up nod. Does she like Bobby? They'd make a cute couple but I don't like the idea of them together. I'm not sure why though. I just don't think they'd end up vibing like that. She pulls me to the beanbags where Noah, Gary, Rocco, and Ibrahim are chatting. "Heya boys," she purrs. "Watcha talking about? The recoupling?"

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