Stick or Switch

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"It's quiet. Too quiet," I say as we walk back into our Villa. It feels good to be back.

"I guess they're not here," Lottie says with disappointment clear in her voice. "It's strange without them." I nod my head in agreement. I don't think the Villa's ever been this quiet. Even at night, Noah's snores fill the silence. "No use standing around. Let's go snoop to see if we can figure out what they've been up to."

"I'm coming," I say with excitement. This sounds fun. I want to investigate.

"Me too," Marisol says as she jogs after us.

"I'm getting my tan on," Chelsea announces as she strolls out of the Villa. Hope follows her. Pyria walks away and I wonder if something's bothering her.

We don't find much during our snooping. There was a random wooden spoon floating in the pool. Things were sitting in the wrong places in the kitchen. In the bedroom, it was weird being in there, knowing a bunch of new girls were sleeping in our beds. I look nervously at Bobby's bed. It's made. Bobby and I have never once made our bed. It's made though. Perhaps the girl he's coupled up with is a neat freak and likes her bed made. Or maybe he was kicked off. Why wasn't he in that video? I'm so nervous. I just need to know he's here.

"Oh," Lottie says with excitement. "What is this?" I walk to the last bed and see a pair of whitey tighties and knickers covered in tiny cats laying together on the floor. "Someone clearly had fun."

Marisol bends over and picks the boy undies up. "Eww!" I scream. "Don't touch those!"

She just rolls her eyes at me. They're dirty though. She giggles as she studies them. "They're Jakub's." She shows us his embroidered name on the inside.

Lottie laughs. "Do you think his mom did that for him?"

"Oh my," I giggle. "So does this mean that Jakub got it on with some cat lady?"

Lottie purses her lips, deep in thought. "It might but it's not enough to jump to that conclusion. I wish we knew more though. Hope might need to pick a Casa boy then."

"Yeah," Marisol agrees. "We can't jump to conclusions with this. We just don't know. It's not like a condom wrapper is here too or anything." She has a point.

"So we know nothing then." I leave Marisol and Lottie to their snooping and go looking for Pyria. I find her in the kitchen making a sandwich. "Hey girl. Looks good."

"Want one?" She asks me.

"Sure." I stand next to her and make my own. "Is everything ok? You seem a little... off."

"I'm nervous. I don't want to get kicked off. Do I trust Rocco to keep me safe or should I bring Felix back?"

"Do you like Felix?" She gives me a look and we both start laughing. "Ok. Stupid question."

"He was fun. I don't regret teaching him a few things," she winks. "I think if I were forced to be with him too much longer he'd drive me crazy." I completely agree with that. He's a nice guy but he's too much and not in a funny way like Bobby. "Do you think those who are single are immediately going to be kicked off?"

"I hope not. We know Marisol's bringing Graham back so that means Bobby would be single unless he found a girl. That's assuming he's still here. I still don't understand why he wasn't in the video."

"I know. It's worrying me so much. I can't stand the thought of being here without Bobby."

"I agree. The Villa would feel just plain sad without him."

"So, what about Elijah? You bringing him back?"

"Gah," I sigh. "I'd hate if Noah gets kicked off because of me. That thing he said about doing bits though, it sounds like he found someone else. Plus, sending me Hope's panties was just wrong. I really like Elijah. We've had a lot of fun together. I'm just not sure. There is so much to consider."

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