I Need Time

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There is a happiness lingering in the air this morning, but it's not touching me. My issues with Elijah and Bobby seem to be the only current drama. Pushing that aside, Bobby really did create peace for everyone else last night. The whole judge Bobby thing was so much fun.

I sigh as I absentmindedly poke my omelet with a fork. My heart is heavy. Bobby's words last night are haunting me. He's loud and acting larger than life this morning, but it seems unnatural and forced. I can tell he's not really feeling it but putting on a show instead. I keep looking at him, but he never once glances my direction. I already miss his smirks and it hasn't even been a day. Is he trying to move on from me and how do I feel about that? He says this is stupid and that if I felt what he felt then I wouldn't fight it. He's wrong though. I do feel it. I've never been kissed like Bobby has kissed me. I've never felt that way before. Every kiss has created a burning heat within me. I want to kiss him and keep kissing him until I'm nothing but a pile of ashes. I feel the spark. I feel the chemistry. So why am I fighting it? I'm mad that he didn't tell me sooner, but at this point I'm hiding behind that excuse. The real reason? I'm scared. It's Bobby. I already have feelings for him because I fell for him as a friend first. It would take nothing for me to fall hard for him. Then throw in those burning kisses... I don't want to lose him. I don't want my brothers to chase him off. I'm not sure how we go from friends to more.

It also pisses me off. He's so willing to jump off the edge with me now. He expects me to immediately reach for his hand and leap. It took him forever before he found the guts to tell me though. So why do I have to turn around and immediately fall? Why can't I be scared and hesitant? It pisses me off that because I am, he automatically says nothing is there and this whole thing is stupid.

"What did your eggs do to you?" Pyria asks as she sits across from me. I glance up at her. A small smirk is splayed across her lips but I also see worry in her eyes.

"Just deep in thought," I answer as I push my now cold eggs away. Eggs are the one food I can't stand to eat once they've cooled.

"Whee goes the wee dippy soilder," Bobby laughs as he uses a piece of bread and stabs it into his dippy egg. I stare at him, willing him to return it, but he doesn't. "These eggs are egggg-cellent," he cracks up at himself.

"I'm just going to assume this foul mood of yours has something to do with him," she points her fork towards Bobby before taking a bite of her scrambled eggs. I'm not opening up to her about this. I understand why she didn't tell me. She was being loyal to Bobby as his friend too. I get it. Still, I can't help but wonder if she's better friends with him than she is with me. I'm not sure I'm ready to dump all my thoughts and feelings on her lap. Would she give me that same loyal courtesy and keep it to herself, or would she run and tell Bobby? "You know you can talk to me..."

"No. The only person I can trust right now is myself and even that's iffy."

"That's not true. I'm always here for you. I get that you're upset, but..."

"Someone's here," Shannon suddenly says and the room turns eerily quiet.

I crane my neck to see as Bobby yells, "It's girls!"

"Two of them," Elijah says as all the guys bolt from the room. I watch as two gorgeous and sexy women walk onto the lawn. Shit. This is bad timing. Elijah is definitely mad at me and I'm pretty sure we're officially over. Bobby is hurt and avoiding me. After everything, does our alliance still stand, or would he pie me off now because things are awkward and complicated?

"Gah," Pyria mumbles. "Girls. This is so not what I need today." I watch as she stares towards them with worry. Is she scared of being kicked off or does she have her eyes set on a guy? We haven't been chatting like that so I wouldn't know. I'm estranged from both of my friends.

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