Peace and Muscles

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Flashes of painful memories attack me as the car swerves off the road... I jump awake. My heart is pounding and my entire body is violently trembling. Tears are gushing from my eyes. I instantly see Bobby. He's holding my face in his hands and intensely studying my eyes.

"It's ok, Kiera. I've got you. You're safe. It's just a dream." I fall apart and cuddle against him. He pulls me on his lap and cradles me like I'm a small child or something. I need this though. I need to feel safe right now and he makes me feel the safeness I'm craving. "It's alright. It was a nightmare." If only it were just a nightmare. "I've got you." He pushes my hair from my face and kisses my forehead. He forces me to look at him again. "You ok?" I nod and wipe my tears.

"I am. Thank you." I glance around the room to find everyone is still sleeping. Early morning light is flickering in through the curtains. Bobby lays down and pulls me with him. He continues to hold me tightly. I rest my head on his chest and listen to the steady rhythm of his heart. I'm so lucky to have such a good friend here who will take care of me like this. "Thank you," I whisper again.

"Always," he rubs my back and I relax in his arms. I'm soon falling asleep again.

When I awaken for a second time, the room is completely empty. How late is it? I stand up and stretch my tiredness away. Bobby walks in with his cocky smirk that I've come to expect. He walks straight to me and wraps me into a huge hug.

"Bobby," I squeal. "You're all wet!"

"I'm giving you a pre shower. It's a shower before your shower."

"Got it," I giggle. "Hey, thanks again for helping me with my nightmare."

"Anytime, Boo. I'm always here for you," he says with such a tenderness to his voice.

"I know you are. I'm here for you too."

"Let's chat a bit. You ready to face this day?"

"Depends. Have you seen the others? What's the mood like?"

"Well, breakfast felt a little rocky, but as I came up to shower, all the girls were drooling over Jakub lifting weights."

"Really? I don't get it. Too many muscles for me."

"Right," he laughs. "I'm so happy to hear you say that. I was wondering what girls see in him."

"No idea. I'm not one of those girls. Alright. Well I guess I better get ready and pull these girls for a chat. Time to make the impossible possible. Did you talk to Pyria this morning?"

"Sure did. We talked about Nope a bit and Lottie. She's still pissed but she's calmed down a lot from last night. I don't know where Lottie stands though. She might be your hard one."

"Yeah. I figured. Should I do her with Pyria or Chelsea first?"

"That's a tough one. Maybe Chelsea. There's more bad blood between her and Pyria."

"Good point. This is going to suck."

"Maybe, but do you know what doesn't suck?" He looks really excited. He's so cute when he's excited like this. "I couldn't go back to sleep so I may have baked my favorite girl some pastries. The other guys hit them pretty hard, but I set some aside for you."

I squeal and throw my arms around his neck. "You're the absolute best! I can now face this day with a delicious pastry breakfast."

He chuckles. "Magical pastry goodness to give you confidence and strength."

"Damn right." I stand up and flex my muscles, making him laugh.

"Looking strong, Boo. If you need some moral support, I'll be around. It's not like I could be anywhere else."

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