Ryan: "Hey, 51. We're gonna need a line in the kitchen."

51: "Copy that, Squad 3."

Ryan: "Ma'am?" she hums, looking over at where a woman stands in a doorway, coughing into a rag "Ma'am, hey, you're gonna have to come with us" she motions, the pair exchanging an incredulous look as she shakes her head, closing the door to into room "Or you know, just, burn alive. Your choice." she scoffs, shaking her head as Kelly sighs, moving towards the door

Cruz: "Lieutenant!" he calls out, motioning the two over to where a pair of legs stick out from behind a couch "Ma'am! Can you hear me? We gotta get you out of here!"

Ryan: "Come on. We got you."

Woman: "No. No, I'm okay. I'm okay." she rasps as Kelly and Cruz help her to her feet, the four heading towards the exit
Kelly: "Fire's headed for the eaves. Get a line on that back roof."

51: "Copy that, Lieutenant."

Ryan: "Here. Lay down. We got you." she hums, helping set the woman onto a gurney

Kelly: "Running from firefighters? A couple pictures aren't worth your life."

Woman: "That house is my whole life."

Kelly: "We'll save what we can." he assures, giving her a soft look

Woman: "Thank you." she pants

Matt: "It's not right. Kannell did everything he should have, on the call and after." he sighs, standing beside Ryan who does an equipment check on the rig

Ryan: "You think that lying about how the call went down was the right thing?"

Matt: "To protect his lieutenant's good name? Absolutely" he declares, making Ryan shrug in agreement "I'd do it for Boden in a second if...God forbid."

Ryan: "Me, too."

Matt: "He can't just give up."

Ryan: "Maybe he's not giving up. Maybe he's just...burnt out." she shrugs, making Matt turn to face her, giving her a knowing look

Matt: "You think you're burnt out?"

Ryan: "Could be."

Matt: "Ry..." he sighs

Ryan: "What? It's possible" she shrugs "I hear that alarm go off and I think "Here we go again. Just another day". It doesn't excite me like it used to. I'm actually praying for days where it doesn't go off."

Matt: "You're not burnt out. You went through something traumatic and it might seem like it's taking a while, but you are healing. You get up everyday and you walk in here, wanting to help somebody" he hums, giving her a soft look as he squeezes her shoulder in comfort "I know it's hard to push through. I've been there myself. But if we quit because of the ones that don't make it, we quit on all the people we could save in the future. I know you love being a firefighter. It's in your blood. And I know for a fact that quitting is not who you are. You certainly didn't quit to get me back. And I was a hard sell."

Ryan: "Please" she scoffs, shaking her head "Need I remind you, once again, that you were the one who proposed we got back together."

Matt: "Details, details" he hums, waving her off as she slightly chuckles "What do you say we take a little break? Get out of town for a bit, clear our heads. A little pre-wedding honeymoon."

Ryan: "I'd like that" she nods, a smile coming over her face "As long as there is no fishing boat anywhere near our vicinity."

Matt: "Oh, there will be a fishing boat. It's a Casey family tradition." he declares, chuckling as Ryan shakes her head, turning to walk off

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