What Happened To Courtney

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PA: "Squad 3, Ambulance 61: carbon monoxide investigation, 5708 Forsten Avenue."

Hermann: "What do we got, Lieutenant?"

Matt: "Carbon monoxide alarm. Security company called the owners to make sure they were okay. Couldn't get an answer."
Stella: "Fire department! Anybody home?" she calls out, banging on the door

Matt: "Get us in there."

Boden: "What are we dealing with?"

Kelly: "1700 ppm."

Boden: "Okay, everybody, masks on. Truck, get in there."

Matt: "Otis, get the windows open. Air this place out. Hermann, Kidd, first floor. Dawson, upstairs with me" he hums, placing the mask over his face "Fire department! Call out!"
Hermann: "All clear downstairs."

Matt: "House is clear, Chief."

Boden: "Copy. Severide, you find the leak?"

Kelly: "Not yet, Chief. Found it. It's a multi-purpose chimney down in the basement."

Ryan: "Furnace is connected to the flue right here. If this thing's all jammed up, the carbon monoxide will just come back down" she hums, sliding into the opening as she flashes the light up the chimney "Everything's all intact in here."

Kelly: "Yeah, the blockage is probably higher up. We'll get it from outside."

Ryan: "Hey, Matt, we're gonna need the aerial."

Kelly: "Chief, we're coming out."
Capp: "I bet it's another pigeon."

Boden: "Talk to me, Severide."

Kelly: "We're gonna need to call this one in" he sighs, looking through the thermal imaging camera at where the skeleton of a body lies "Oh, man."

Jimmy: "You guys ever see something like this?"

Ryan: "One time 48 found a dead body, years ago. Turned out to be a burglar, or...an attempted burglar."

Arya: "And people wonder why some hate the idea of Santa. If a big fat man can climb down the chimney, why can't I?" she scoffs, shaking her head

Jimmy: "What do you think happened there?"

Matt: "You'll sleep better if you don't know." he hums, walking past the group as they turn attention back to where Kelly and Cruz are up on the aerial taking apart of the chimney

Cruz: "Oh, good Lord. It's a child."

Kelly: "The wrapping's undone at the bottom."

Cruz: "Looks like a beach towel."

Kelly: "You see that there? Where the wall's cleaner?"

Cruz: "Uh-huh."

Kelly: "It looks the kid was stuck there for a while. Body decomposed, shifted, fell down the flue."

Cruz: "Looks like the towel's holding the body together."

Kelly: "Won't much longer." he sighs, reaching in to grab hold of the towel
Detective: "Lieutenant. Stop right there, please" she calls out, moving over to where Kelly now stands on the ground "Detective Bianca Holloway, Area South Homicide. Who authorized the extraction?"

Kelly: "Your forensics guy back there already took a bunch of photos."

Boden: "I assure you, Detective, Lieutenant Severide would not break protocol unless he thought it was absolutely necessary. Body was falling apart."

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