Telling Her Goodbye

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Arya: "Hey, hey!" she hums, tapping on Kelly's office door as he looks up from his phone, a smile on his face "Yeah, look at that face. I knew seeing Anna again would perk you right up."

Kelly: "Well, it was a good surprise. Glad she's back."

Arya: "Yeah, she's good for you, Kelly. Like it or not, I'm rooting for this."

Kelly: "Don't you have somebody in need of saving or something?"

Arya: "Oh, whatever. Listen, I'm just saying, I'm rooting for it." she yells out, walking off as Kelly shakes his head with a chuckle
Otis: "Oh, that's it? No eggs? No sausage?"

Hermann: "Nah. Cindy got it in her head that we should try Ethiopian last night. "Expand our horizons," she says. She expanded something, all right, something inside my gut."

Mouch: "Keep an eye on that. Indigestion's one of the first signs of heart failure."

Hermann: "Relax, Doctor Oz. I'm fit as a fiddle, okay?"

Mouch: "Williams, I'm right, aren't I? Back me up." he hums, looking towards said man who takes a seat at the table beside him

Theo: "I don't know, Hermann. You feeling fatigue? Cold sweats? Shortness of breath?"

Hermann: "No."

Theo: "Then I wouldn't stress." he shrugs, going to take a bite of his food but freezes when hearing the alarm go off

PA: Ambulance 61, gunshot victim, 19th Street and Wolcott Avenue.

Theo: "They're playing my song." he sighs, hurrying out the room

Cruz: "Wait, Wolcott. Wasn't there a shooting there last shift?"

Otis: "Mm. It's a turf war. The Western Posse's beefing with the 21 Naturals" he hums, making the three men turn to face him with confused looks on their faces "What? I follow the Drill Rap scene. Sue me." he shrugs

Ryan: "Isn't it a little bit too cold to do some spring cleaning?" she hums, moving over to where Matt stands by the truck, emptying out compartments

Matt: "Well, thanks to first watch making a mess out of everything..." he sighs, shaking his head

Ryan: "That's why you gotta be intimidating with them."

Matt: "You don't think I'm intimidating?"

Ryan: "Obviously not enough if you're having to clean out everything. First and third watch know to keep my rig spotless."

Matt: "Oh, your rig is it?"

Ryan: "Mm-hmm." she hums, making Matt shake his head with a chuckle

Matt: "Well, maybe you can give me some pointers. What do you say this weekend?"

Ryan: "Hmm."

Matt: "Severide knows a guy who manages these cabin rentals. Was able to swing getting us one."

Ryan: "What's the special occasion?"

Matt: "Just finished we could use some alone time" he shrugs "What do you say?"

Ryan: "Well, I'm not gonna turn down-" hearing gunshots go off in the distance, she cuts herself off, the pair freezing as their eyes widen "Was that what I think it was?"

Matt: "Shut the doors" he motions, hurrying towards his radio as more shots go off "81 to Main, we're stationed at quarters, hearing gunshots a block or two south of here."

Main: "Copy that, 81. We'll notify..."

Ryan: "Matt!" she calls out, backing away from the door when seeing a group of men heading their way

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