Welcome Home...Things Have Changed

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Hearing a knock at her hotel door, Ryan stands from leaning over her suitcase. Opening the door she leans against the doorway, happily smiling as Kelly breaks out into a relieved laugh

Ryan: "Hi."

Kelly: "Hi. Ah! I can't believe you're home" he breathes, reaching forward to pull her into a hug "You, uh, y-you seem good."

Ryan: "I am. Really." she nods, motioning him inside

Kelly: "So, uh, Casey said you were here but...why?" he questions, looking around the room

Ryan: "Yeah. About that..." she sighs, moving to take a seat at a table as Kelly joins her "Matt and I have decided to separate." she informs, making his eyes widen in shock

Kelly: "What? Why?"

Ryan: "Kind of hard to have a marriage when you can't look each other in the eyes. And I know it wasn't long but we grew apart. Or we grew while we were apart, I guess."

Kelly: "Kind of sounds like he's punishing you for being sick."

Ryan: "No, that's not it. We both made the decision that this is what's best. There's still a lot of feelings and hurt that needs to be healed and...we can't do that with each other. At least not right now" she assures "So no one is punishing anyone. Okay? So don't be mad. And don't feel like you have to move out or anything."

Kelly: "I don't know I mean, I do still owe him a punch in the face."

Ryan: "Wait what?"

Kelly: "Story for a different time" he shrugs, waving her off "So, what's next for you?"

Ryan: "Well, uh, I've got to find an apartment. I've already spoken to Boden and seeing as how everyone's gone with the whole I'm off on furlough excuse, I've got two more weeks. He wants me to get a psych eval. Make sure I'm all good" she nods, leaning her arms on the table "But the big thing is...seeing Mateo."

Kelly: "You ready for that?"

Ryan: "I think so. That might all change once I actually see him so, you know, fingers crossed."

Kelly: "I'm sure it'll all be fine" he assures, reaching out to give her hand a squeeze "I've missed you."

Ryan: "I missed you too."

Kelly: "The place has not been the same without you."

Ryan: "Oh, yeah? Got any fun stories?"

Kelly: "Boy do I" he hums, leaning back in his seat "Oh, well, for starters Scott Rice is back on Squad."

Ryan: "That old knucklehead." she chuckles

Matt: "Hey."

Ryan: "Hey."

Matt: "You know the locks haven't changed. You don't have to ring the doorbell."

Ryan: "Yeah, I know I just..." she shrugs, awkwardly trailing off "Not exactly sure how we're supposed to do things here."

Matt: "Yeah, me either."

Ryan: "Yeah." she nods, standing in awkward silence for a moment

Matt: "So, uh, I fed and changed him so you should be good for the next few hours. He's, uh, he's been obsessed with this dinosaur show I found so he might get upset when you pull him away."

Ryan: "Okay."

Matt: "And Cindy said she'd stop by a little later on. She really missed you."

Ryan: "Is that the only reason why she's stopping by?"

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