Out With A Bang

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Ryan: "Ok, guys. You can't pass this test, you won't pass the Firefighter II exam, given at the end of academy training, which means that you will not become a firefighter. Simple as that. You have one hour. Starting now." she informs, beginning the clock as the candidates begin their test

Hermann: "Ah, will you look at this? Could they at least get you a T-shirt that fit you?"

Otis: "You will still sit with us, won't you?" he pouts, pulling a seat out for Mills

Mills: "Okay, I know the traditions. You guys have some sort of prank planned for me? Well, good luck, because I'm keeping my eyes wide open." he nods, checking under the chair

Shay: "Hey, Ry, how's Dawson doing at the academy? I miss my partner."

Allison: "Way to make the new girl feel welcome."

Shay: "Look, it's going to take more than just homophobia and too much eyeshadow to win my affections, Rafferty."

Hermann: "Hey, is Dawson coming by here? 'Cause the bank is stepping in now, and they need us to come up with 10% of Molly's assessed value. And since we don't have 50,000 bucks laying around, we're looking to get an extension."

Ryan: "Yeah, I think she'll by later on. And, uh, she's doing good. Making great progress."

Kelly: "Hey, did you pick up lumber at the salvage place?"

Matt: "I did, but there's too much to fit in my truck. We need a transport."

Kelly: "Hey, any of you guys have a contact with a trucking company who can haul lumber on the cheap, or, better yet, for free?"

Cruz: "Yes, Mouch, you know someone?" he looks at said man who raises his hand

Mouch: "No, I...I have a question. Even though he's no longer the candidate, Mills can still do the cooking, right?"

Mills:" Oh, no, no, no, no, no. Forget it. I already tossed my pots and pans."

Mouch: "SC..."

Ryan: "Nope."

Otis: "I thought everything was good after Hermann got you those fancy knives."

Ryan: "They are. Doesn't mean I wanna cook everyday for all of you. It's clear I've spoiled you so we're going back to every random day."

Kelly: "Okay, starting next week, we draw straws. In the meantime, I'll call Katie and see if she can cook up something for us today." he shrugs, Ryan noticing a look that comes over Otis' face

Ryan: "Hey!" she whispers, snapping her fingers in front of his face to get his attention "Picture something real quick. You, Katie, hanging out, having fun, doing...whatever it is that you do. And then it goes south and Katie goes to Kelly and she's all "Otis broke my heart, Kelly. He broke my heart." she fake cries, making Otis glance over at where Kelly is sitting, turning back to face Ryan who slits her throat with her finger "That's how that'll end. Kelly in jail and you buried six feet deep."

Ryan: "Hey, you're in charge of hardware store runs for the big construction project, right?"

Shay: "Mm-hmm" she hums, looking over at where a man is heading their way "Damn it."

Ryan: "What?"

Man: "Are you Leslie Shay?"

Shay: "No, I'm...Leslie Shay, yeah." she sighs

Man: "Ms. Shay, I've been trying to track you down this week because I'm the successor trustee for Darryl Bell, and you're the trust beneficiary."

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