oops ; huang renjun ( pt 1 )

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nct renjun x reader
warnings : none
desc : where some nct dream members find out about renjun's secret boyfriend.
( a/n ) i have very mixed feelings about this writing
* requested


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renjun sat impatiently on a bench watching his legs swing back and forth. his feet barely missed the ground beneath him as his hands laid under his thighs. he looked up in search of a certain male, frowning when not seeing him.

"y/n, hurry uuup.." he mumbled to himself before moving his hand to check the time on his phone. he smiled at the lockscreen photo of his boyfriend before the device turned off again. with a sigh, he sat back against the bench and looked up at the clouds.

he was currently waiting for y/n in a secluded park - their agreed meet up location for their picnic date. the pair had been dating for a while, and after finally getting home from a long tour with nct dream, renjun was very impatient to see him.

renjun looked around the park, grateful to see only an older couple walking together for some exercise. he adjusted his mask and pulled his hat a little lower over his eyes. although he'd met y/n here many times because of how empty it usually was, he was always paranoid that someone would recognize him.

"omg, is that huang renjun from nct dream?!"

renjun's head whipped around to see his boyfriend now walking toward him. he scoffed at the dramatic male and jumped up from the bench.

"my n/n!!" he exclaimed while throwing his hands around the other. y/n smiled at the greeting and returned his hug.

"hi babe!" y/n said before pulling away to look at renjun in admiration. "i missed you so much."

renjun blushed as he placed a soft kiss on y/n's cheek.

"i missed you too," he responded happily.

"you aren't allowed to go on another tour ever again," y/n joked with a small pout.

"well, what if i just bring you with me next time?" renjun countered as he took the other's hands. y/n thought for a moment before nodding.

"alright, deal. but that means we have to tell your members about us, y'know."

renjun clicked his tongue while now dragging him over to the picnic spot he set up.

"i'll tell them eventually. now, c'mon! today's about you 'n me, n/n," renjun said eagerly as he plopped down on a blanket. y/n happily followed the male and sat with him. some of each of their favorite foods were in front of them as they sat on the park lawn.

darl+ing ( kpop x male reader )Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu