looks can be deceiving ; bang chan

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stray kids bottom!chan x top!reader
warnings : light swearing
desc : where chan's friends don't believe he bottoms til they see him with his boyfriend.
( a/n ) this is just a bit shorter but i think it's cute <3


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chan stood in front of his boyfriend's bathroom sink, brushing his teeth as he turned to see the sleepy male walking toward him. y/n snaked his arms around him and rested his head on his shoulder.


"mm?" chan responded as he continued brushing.

"why didn't you wake me up earlier?" he asked with a playful pout. chan rolled his eyes, both of them knowing good and well that no one can get y/n out of bed willingly.

y/n laughed softly at the other's silence, looking at him for a moment before speaking up again.

"bubs, hurry up and finish brushing, i want a morning kiss."

chan turned around to face him and took the brush out of his mouth for a second. "i do what i want," he replied before brushing again, this time much slower to rub his boyfriend's face in it.

"brat." y/n muttered, kissing his forehead instead. chan turned back around toward the mirror, not able to hide the smile that blossomed on his lips.

"hey, don't forget we're meeting my friends today." chan added once he'd finally finished.

"shit, i did forget about that.. do you think they'll like me?"

"y/n, if i like you, there's little chance they won't." chan assured him before finally giving him his morning kiss.


"no damn way."

"are you serious??"

chan sighed and sat back in his chair, a bit annoyed. he was currently in his dorm with his seven members, waiting for his boyfriend to get there from work so he could meet his friends for the first time.

they had all planned this day because chan's friends desperately wanted to meet their leader's significant other, and while they were waiting for him to show up, a conversation sparked that chan didn't think would be such a big deal. he was wrong, apparently.

"you're telling me .. you ?? mister broad shoulder buff pants tease ?? is a bottom?" seungmin repeated, making chan simply roll his eyes while a few of the others laughed at the name.

"i can see it." changbin spoke up.

"thank you!" chan huffed, patting his friend on the back. the other's just looked at both of them in disbelief.

"i can't see shit then, bro." jisung mumbled.

before anyone else could say anything a knock sounded on the dorm's door. chan jumped up excitedly, all frustration leaving his system at the simple thought of being able to see his boyfriend - who, mind you, he was literally with that morning and the night before.

"y/n!!" he exclaimed, letting the taller inside.

"hi, baby!" y/n gave the other a quick kiss before turning his attention to the reason he came. his eyes found seven others simply staring at him, some jaws dropped. he couldn't deny that he didn't exactly know what to make of their expressions.

"nevermind.. i see it now." jisung broke the silence. the seven of them burst out laughing, confusing y/n and making chan roll his eyes for the nth time that day.

"they see what.." y/n whispered. chan shook his head in response, embarrassed of the topic. he took the other's hand and led him over to his friends.

"y/n these are my idiots. idiots, this is my y/n."

y/n couldn't help but let out a small chuckle while the 'my y/n' part made his heart jump. he looked at his boyfriend lovingly while listening to him start actually introducing his friends by name, feeling like just about the luckiest person alive.

- rip my standards for men

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