Chapter 69: Your rock to lean on

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(Second person POV)

(Time skip - 12 hours)

Slipping out of your bed, you carefully made sure not to wake Dart up from her dreams as you stepped toward your closet. Opening it, you extended a hand toward the outfit you had always worn, the one that your teacher had left you when, for the first time in a long time, you hesitated. Brow furrowing in thought, you recalled Catherine's words about that man, feeling the seedling of doubt burrowing deeper into your consciousness.

Swallowing your uncertainty, you took the outfit off its place in your closet and quickly put it on, wary of Nya and your dragon's sleeping presence behind you before walking out the door.

Ugh... Koun's tired voice groaned as you caught sight of her appearing in your peripheral vision, What time is it...?

Four in the morning, you answer nonchalantly, causing the other to splutter in protest.

What the hell?! she grumbled while she almost reluctantly rubbed the sleep from her eyes, Why are you up so early every day?! It's not like you've got anything to do!

...I still need to talk to Cole and Kai, you murmur, your response causing her to perk up, looking at you with surprise, I want to get their perspective before I... tell them everything...

Giving you a hum of thought, the spirit huffed while looking at her nails, Y'know, I approve of Cole, but Kai? Really? I'm sure the both of us could go without hearing his irritating voice.

Even so, he may have something interesting to say.

With a scoff, the female rolled her eyes, replying, The only interesting thing he has to say is 'Fight me!' and 'I love you!'

Giving her a confused look, you said nothing as you stopped in front of the room to the ninjas' bedroom, that dreaded beast called hesitation starting to dig its claws into you again. What if they don't want to see you? What if they got annoyed because you woke them up too early like Koun? What if they don't want to speak to you and accidentally hit a nerve as Catherine did? You... wouldn't be able to handle it right now if they also turned their back on you...

Normally I'd disagree, the ghost to your right huffed, but today is not the case. It's way too early, even for Wu or something! I swear, if anyone other than you woke me up this early, the only thing they'll be seeing isn't me, it's their ancestors. Like, what the hell?!

...Yeah, you're right, you mumble, starting to turn away. They'd probably get bothered because I woke them up-

Before you had the chance to finish the thought, the door swung open, practically making you leap out of your skin in surprise. Standing in front of you was Cole in his Gi, who, judging from the large yawn on his face, only just woke up. Just as you were about teleport away so you wouldn't disturb him, the ship suddenly jerked, causing you to fall backwards and the male's eyes to snap open as he began toppling toward you.

Wincing, you braced yourself for impact only for the harsh surface of the unforgiving wood to... never come...? Eyes snapping open again, you realised that the earth ninja had cupped the back of your head, his hand cushioning your fall. Staring at him with confusion, you wondered why he had protected you despite knowing that one — you'd be fine, and two, he'd risk hurting his hand in the process.

Well, didn't you basically do the same for Jay? Koun remarked uninterestedly, forming a ball of wind in her hand.

That was because you caused the ship to tip, you answered, making the other roll her eyes, I didn't want him to get hurt because of something related to me.

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