Chapter 43: Zane hasn't drowned yet, right?

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(Second person POV)

(Time skip - 4 days)

"Ten minutes!" Kai's irritating voice exclaims, breaking your concentration, making you let out a sigh of annoyance from the lack of progress on your mental barrier. "He just broke his own record! The guy's inhuman!"

Taking the towel from Dart (who had reunited with you on the second day of you joining the Ninja on their mission due to Catherine's worries and protests of not being able to run the café), you wiped down your forehead, joining the three teens at the edge of the deck. Glancing down at the teal-blue ocean waters, you caught sight of the ice elemental's bleached blond hair, slightly worried that he had just drowned with how long he was down there.

As if hearing your worries, you caught sight of the male starting to come up, seeming alright for now. Breaking through the water's surface with a soft gasp as the others cheered for him, he asked "I broke the record?"

"You destroyed it!" Kai exclaims, holding up the stopwatch to show the other ninja.

"Okay, okay," Jay grins, walking toward the group, "Is anyone thinking what I'm thinking?" Without waiting for an answer, he continues. "We've been training for so long, I don't think we can get any better. Just think about all we've accomplished!"

...While we have gotten better, you thought, remembering how much the five of you have improved, I don't think we have reached our 'full potential' or the limits of our abilities... Thinking back to how the fire elemental is now able to walk on hot coals without getting burnt, the lightning user can balance atop a skyscraper in a thunderstorm, and how Cole is now able to lift nearly five times his body weight, it's not surprising that the male in blue would think that this it.

Well, it's not like we haven't improved either, Koun beams, puffing out her chest in pride, You're able to use some of your abilities without the help of your Void Crystal and can better control the Void Vanquisher's power! Even Dart can use her elemental powers better and sleeps a little less often than usual! And most excitingly of all, I can manifest as an elemental form now! the spirit grins with a smile that would make the Cheshire Cat jealous, extremely excited about this new development.

Well, it's only for a few minutes, you remark, the corners of your lips curling in a small smile despite your words.

Jeez, thanks, party pooper, the other eye-rolled, her words sarcastic if the grin on her face was anything to go off of.

"The question should be raised: perhaps we have reached our full potential?" Zane smiles, his voice bringing you back to earth as the others nod along with him, starting to head off to their teacher's resting chamber.

Following along with Dart trotting quietly by your side, you bit down on the inside of your lip as you worried over how Lloyd is right now and what he was being forced to do. Was he alright? Was he eating well, and getting enough rest? Though you knew the answer to your questions were all probably 'No', you found a part of yourself, albeit a small part as your realistic views drowned most of them out, wishing that he was fine.

Another question that has been lingering in your mind was the possibility of you having a mother. Master Wu had previously claimed that he had seen your parent before and had contact with her, as did the madwoman you had now come to know as 'Mystake', a twist on the word 'mistake', you presumed. Still, you thought, tuning out the boys' chatter, It's a rather distasteful name, though it somewhy suits her...

"Well, every morning, I do five hundred push-ups," Zane remarks, his voice pulling you out of your mind once again.

"Five hundred? Ha! Try a thousand," Kai retorts, a smug smirk on his face.

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