Chapter 30: Tension in the air

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(Second person POV)

(Time skip - 1 hour)

Letting out a sigh of either exertion or relief, you placed Dart in your bed and allowed her to get some more rest while you went to check on the others. They don't seem to have been hurt, you thought as you walked toward their cabin, Just knocked out with some sort of gas akin to chloroform.

Standing in front of the door to the teens' room, you were just about to turn the door handle when it swung open in front of you, revealing a perfectly fine Kai.

Letting out a gasp of horror (or awe, you couldn't tell), the male grabbed your hands in his own and immediately inquired "Did it hurt when you fell from heaven, my angel?"

...Okay, an almost perfectly fine Kai.

"...I'm sorry?" you reply with a raised eyebrow, barely resisting the instinctive urge to rip your hands away as you didn't want to seem rude, "I'm not sure of who I am, what species I am, and much less if I fell from the skies so I am unable to answer your question."

"Cut that out, Kai," Cole suddenly called out, seeming unimpressed with the other's advance toward you, "She's clearly uncomfortable,"

"It's alright," you half-smile, "It's my fault he got like this anyway. If I had paid more attention to my surroundings then..." Trailing off as you stared down at the floorboards that have suddenly become incredibly interesting to you, you felt a lump of guilt build in your throat, unable to be dispelled by your simple swallowing.

"(y/n)," the familiar voice of Zane murmured, making you snap your attention back to the present, "Would you like to help me make dinner? I am sure it will help take your mind off things."

Glancing from the earth ninja who seemed to look at his friend in white with suspicion to the flame elemental who was still staring at you with an odd look, you decided you might as well take the teen up on his offer. "Sure. I'd love to acquaint myself with your kitchen and possibly learn a new dish," you end up saying, prying the strangely clingy Kai off you.

"I'll join you two then," Cole chimed in, stepping between you and the ice ninja, "I'd love to show off my cooking skills."

"Cole, I do not believe that is a good idea," Zane replied, looking at the interloper with a calm exterior that hid how against the decision he was, "I am sure that the others would not like for you to meddle with my dishes, no?"

"Are you saying I can't cook?" the other raised an eyebrow, crossing his arms in defiance, "I am perfectly able to make a simple meal, mind you."

"Oh, no, I was not trying to imply that," the blond male responded, "It is just... the recipe I am going to be following might be a little... difficult for someone with very little cooking experience."

"Then I suppose I won't help this time?" you mutter, feeling the atmosphere turn surprisingly tense between the two, "I don't have that much practice with making complicated foods-"

"No." the two ninja simultaneously asserted, not breaking the glare they were sharing, making you fall quiet.

"Then how about you join me and-" Kai began, only to be cut off by his two friends.

"No!" they concurrently snapped at the male in red, making him let out an indignant huff and go back to hold your hand. The action not going unnoticed by the duo, you saw Cole's eyelid twitch at the scene before turning his head to face Zane who seemed to be holding back his words and did the same, re-engaging in a glaring contest.

Koun? you call out internally for the silhouette, You're better with emotions than me. What should I do?

Hey, don't look at me, the female shrugged, seeming to enjoy the show as it didn't involve her, They're competing for your attention, not mine. Don't drag me into this.

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