Chapter 10: (y/n)

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(Second-person POV)

Letting out an annoyed hiss, the skeleton pushed off the ground and began charging toward you as you did the same, ready to beat him to the ground. The unbearable pain keeps time with the heavy thumping of your heart, whiting out your vision one beat at a time, but you chose to ignore the feeling and focus on defeating the intruder.

Your heart surged with adrenaline as you heard your heart beating in your ears. You let out a menacing growl and lunged at your opponent as hard as you could in your body's broken state, punching him square in the jaw as you bit back a groan of pain. Something about this felt all too familiar; something you wouldn't be repeating without a choice; with that, your instincts kicked in. Evading the humanoid's attacks before they landed and then fighting back, the two of you seemed to be more dancing than fighting, finding a rhythm and exchanging blows.

Even as you felt blood pour out from your face in streams and pool around your feet, you refused to give in and refused to let this - or any, for that matter - foe kill you without a fight. Not now. Not ever.

Sucking in a pained breath, you gathered the power of the element of speed and metal hardening your fist before throwing a left hook at the skeleton, knocking his head right off. Feeling your chest heave with exhaustion, you summoned a towel from your pocket dimension and tried to stop the blood that leaked from your face like a flowing tap. This is probably from overusing my powers, you thought, trying to regulate your breathing, Had the fight continued any longer, I would have passed out...

Suddenly, you felt a burning sensation course through your body, causing you to freeze in shock. Snapping out of the daze, you turned to find the skeleton you had 'defeated', only to come up with nothing. Approaching you, the teen in black called out "Thank you, miss-"

"Get down!" you yelled out, erecting a wind barrier around the five people just as the cavern exploded into a mess of blazing rock and ash. Feeling your consciousness slip away from your fingertips with each passing second, you pushed past the buzzing in your ears and managed to murmur "Sorry... Sensei... I've... failed..." before the colours that flashed around you and the nauseating lights blinded you faded to black.

(Time skip - ???)

Sitting up with a start, you immediately regretted the action as your head throbbed with pain, your mind reeling as you struggled to comprehend your surroundings. Letting out a gasp when you remembered what had just happened before you passed out, you looked around in horror.


That was the only word that came to mind, and even that didn't do the scene in front of you justice. What was once your home was now a pile of rubble, completely destroyed by the explosion. Those skeletons must have decided to blow the entire cave up when I defeated them and their leader was just stalling for time! you thought, trying to dig through the bits of rock and ash. How could I have fallen prey to such a mistake? you groaned, But wait... The last thing I remember was creating a barrier for those five intruders and then passing out... So... how did I survive...?

Looking around you, you caught sight of a familiar black and white tail, the scales making your blood run cold. "Dart!" you gasped out, trying to use your earth element to dig her out of the wreckage, only to be met with overwhelming pain. Guess I'll have to do this the old fashion way... you thought. Slowly, you forced yourself to stand through strained limbs, pushing the jagged stones away by hand and ignoring the feeling of the rocks digging into your hands.

I still have the Void Vanquisher, so that's good... But... Sensei's going to be so disappointed when he comes back... What if he sees this and doesn't want to keep me as a student anymore?! Then we won't be able to stay together anymore and everything will have to change! you thought in a panic, finally digging your reptilian friend out of the ruins. "Dart? Dart? Are you alright?" you murmured, pulling the dragon's head onto your lap, gently brushing her scratched scales.

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